back at it!


New Member
I did lighter life and Cambridge 3 years ago and lost 5 stone in 4 months. I then was very happy in a size 14-16 and decided I was happy like that. But over the last 3 years I've put most back on, purely through over eating. Gr!
My fiance and I want a baby, with my two previous pregnancies I gained 4 stone with each and lost 2 after. (babies were before I lost the 5 stone)
I've put enough on over Xmas to make my size 18 clothes uncomfortable and I refuse to buy bigger clothes. I will lose it! Also getting married next year so plenty of reasons. Also don't like being the fat mum at school.
So day 1 it is.
I've had a shake and a bar so far (i have 3 weeks supply from a failed attempt last year) and will have a shake later. I children so will be cooking lots if kids teas soon.
I want to lose 2 stone on sole source then lose another 3 on a mix of Cambridge and low cal.
Already thinking of food. Need to stay focussed!
I'm back on it aswell after having my little one, ( well two years ago I had her ;0) make sure you check the exp date on the foods as they all have a shelf life, i'm on day 10 of SS, it's definatley a struggle this time as I am more impatient with the weight loss-hardest part is not picking at my little ones left overs, I had no idea at how much extra food i was chuffing away until now! Good luck and enjoy every seccond of the build up to your magical day next year