WOW!!! How hot r u!!! Well done xxx
Amazing keep it up you look great x
well done! how did you manage after you came off the diet to maintain it?
Oh my god! You truly have transformed into this gorgeous beautiful woman.

Well done and congrats on the younger fella! You enjoy yourself as you've probably paid way too much attention to peoples opinions about you when you were bigger.

You've definitely inspired me to want to become a yummy mummy!
You look AMAZING :-D :-D
So inspiring too see pictures like this!! Big well done too you xxx
What an amazing difference! Well done!
Well done! Life throws at us all kinds of curve balls and i think that we just have to accept them but know how to deal with them. The fact you got straight back on plan is inspirational. well done!
i have just read through all the posts that you have all sent to me way back in february. thanku all and i need to get back to this now. just reading your comments has made me more determined now and i will do it ! x
Look gr8!