Bit of a girly query...!


Silver Member
Ok girls, (and sorry boys! ;))

I've basically been on the pill for 7 years now & I've always hated it. I was put on it after being told I had severe PCOS (yet I've never had a scan... Hmmm) and I've tried several different ones but only one helps my symptoms but I was taken off it when I put on weight & now I'm being told I can't have it (even though I'm back to the weight I was...!) the one I'm on currently makes me really moody & tired :(

So I'm thinking of coming off all options & seeing whether 1)my weight loss is better (since I've been on my current pill I've struggled even more with losing) 2)whether my PCOS symptoms get worse or not & 3)whether I feel less grumpy & tired!

Has anyone else had problems with the pill? Or found that it's just rubbish?!! And has anyone found coming off the pill helps weight loss?

Charli XxX