Bit of JUDDD/IF advice Please - Any of you fast completely on your DD's?


Gold Member
Hi all

I tried this way of eating back in October last year after coming off Slim and Save but failed miserably. I've also tried a couple of times since the New Year but again failed. It seems i can go for hours without food but as soon as i start eating i can't stop. So i'm wondering how many of you undergo a complete fast on your DD's? I think that might be easier for me as it means i don't have to think about food on those days. I was thinking perhaps just drinking water, black coffee (maybe a little milk), etc

I think i might find this easier so any advice anyone can give me or point me in the direction of would be great.

I'm pretty much the same, once I start to eat I want more - not that I can't hold back but I just feel hungrier - even before trying to lose weight, I could go until lunch without anything - no problem, but if I had breakfast I'd be really hungry before lunch - think its once my gastric juices start they need satisfying lol
In answer to your question, I do not eat on my fasting/DD I stick to black coffee(which is normal for me), herbal/fruit tea, diet pop, water and sometimes hot bovril.
I've been doing this 3 times a week since middle if November.
I found the 1st day a little difficult - I got through on sheer determination, but after doing it once, the other days have got easier and easier - in fact, I look forward to my fasting days

I would certainly give t a go / plus I really couldn't be bothered with counting calories & weighing stuff lol
I don't eat any solid food n fast days. I do have tea and coffee with milk though (1 or 2 cups, not loads) and normally treat myself to a ww hot chocolate at the end of the day. Otherwise I just drink water and week squash and have the odd fishermans friend (3 cals). Very occasionally I have had jelly.
I do tjis coz, like you I find it hard ti stop once I'vr started and also I have some (totally made up but possibly true) theory about it helping shrink the stomach making it easier to fill on up days. I mean I know dieting shrinks your stomach over time but whether this way does it any better....??
I never thought of the shrinkage factor lol

I just remember the Horizon programme whereby he fasted for 3 days with just 50kals per 24hr period
Then was advised he would have the health benefits if he fasted for (I think) 16 hours or more.
I just find if easier to plan if I don't eat from my last evening meal until breakfast the day after next
You can, the original version did but, as Debridger said, Dr J found that you could eat something and still get all of the benefits of true fasting.

The 500kcals is a one size fits all number. My real DD number is about 340kcals and I often eat just that. Some days I just drink redsush tea and miso soup, so I get to about 100kcals. That is why I think the UD kcals are the most important, make sure you eat as many as you are comfortable with.

In other words, sorry for the blather, if it suits you best, go for it!
Thanks for the replies.

I think i'm going to give it a go. My eating has just been out of control and i need to try something to regain control of the situation. Its so frustrating that i can stick to diets that remove food completely from my diet 100% (LighterLife, Slim&Save, etc) but as soon as food is re-added i fall back into the same bad habits.
I'll be honest i've not tried juices but soup is a definate no no at the moment as i can't get past the desire to consume a full loaf of bread with soup! The connection is just too strong at the moment. Never thought of low cal jellies. Do you make your own Juices or just buy them?
I agree removing the bread habit with soup is really hard!! I have managed it but only after almost a year, I cut the bread out of my diet 1st and now as I don't eat bread, I am having a few soups now .. Ok it not the same but it's do able ;)

Good luck with fasting :)

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
Food association is really difficult to combat, whether its certain foods together, an advert, a smell - they're all there to entice us ...grrrrr

Maybe a thick, chunky vegetable soup might work, maybe more like a veg stew, with so much texture you might be able to dismiss the bread easier ?
Debridger your going think i'm crazy but i can't eat chunky soups. I have a real problem with texture... If i think something should be smooth (which is how i associate soups, mash potatoes, etc) i can't bear to find lumps or anything that requires chewing. Even onions in stews feel too weird to eat. Its almost like a phobia and i've no idea how it started!