Bleeding Gums


Laugh in the face of food
This post is just out of curiosity. Has anyone experienced bleeding guns while on Cambridge or any other VLCD? Mine bled quite a bit yesterday morning when I brushed. I've never experienced bleeding gums before and wonder if it could be diet related, not enough vit c maybe? I know the diet is meant to be nutritionally complete but I just wonder.

I already had an appointment with the dentist today for a check up and to get a sharp tooth filed, so I mentioned it. My dentist isn't worried by it he said to keep brushing thoroughly and use diluted Corsodyl once a day until the irritation goes.

But I'm just curious to know if it's just one of those things or if other people have had this too.

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
Mine have only just started being a problem, dentist isn't too worried, but I worry about the slightest thing, might speak to CDC when I go tonight.