Books to read whilst on Lipotrim?


New Member
Hi everyone. I'm new to this site and will be starting my Lipotrim journey on 6th Feb 2012. I believe this will be right for me as I need to completely get away from food and the dependency I have to food in terms of comfort eating, boredom eating etc. As I know this will be a psychological journey too I just wondered if anyone could recommend any books to read which help with understanding about difficult relationships with food and how to sort out your food demons. Thanks for any advice! Emma
Hi Emma,

I don't know of any self help books like this, but I do find Jane Green's book called Jemima J really good. In it the min character loses loads of weight.

I also remember reading an autobiography years ago by an american woman called Stop the Insanity which was about her relationship with food. Can't remember the author though!
Hmmm... My problem was always eating and reading at the same time!. I still read now while I have my flapjacks or soup. Pre diet I read approx 1 book per day - nopw I am down to one every 3 days!. I have always been a voracious reader and find it difficult after so many years to change my habits - but I intend to!! Don't get coaught in my trap. Good luck.
I think any books on CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) will be good. This theory talks about changing / replacing maladaptive habits. You can also go to classes for this with a psychologist. The organisation Beat may have information of recommended reading - you will find them if you google. Not sure what your local library is like but do a search on amazon for books and then order them if possible from your local library.
I don't know of any self help books like this, but I do find Jane Green's book called Jemima J really good. In it the min character loses loads of weight.

I've just finished that book, it's really good! x