Breastfeeding and Slimming World

Day 2 calorie counting and still motivated yey

calorie counting journey!! start:: 14s 8lb current:: 14s 8lb.... 44lbs to go!!
Congrats capricorn hes gorgeous n well done on bf'ing u will still be entitled to extra he's though i cant remember how many to start with off top of my head though someone posted the chart a few pages back!

Leeanne good luck with cal counting though u picked a bad wkend to start having a wk off sw to celebrate chocolate!!!


Heres another sling wearing picture x
Geobar said:
My c gave me a little book. But basically it is as follows:-
If baby is up to 2months= 3 extra hexa/b (preferably 1or2 to be hexa, same for all ages)
4-6months (if starting to wean)=3
4-6months (if exclusively bfing)=4
Over 6months when weaning=1
Hope this helps

This is the info from the book
Hi Ladies,
My gorgeous girl is 6 days today, can I join you? Ive had a rough few days after my section luckly I didn't gain alot of weight in pregnancy I weighed myself on sat and im few pounds lighter than pre preg but got other pounds to lose. I'm giving a breast feeding ago but im toping her with formula aswell as she doesn't always feed for long on breast and is also bit jaundice at the moment x

baby 033.jpg
Hiya and welcome. Whats your daughters name? Well done for keeping ur weight in check!
So tired......Dan hasnt slept well since his 3rd set jabs, and its getting worse! Hes going to sleep then 10 mins later wide awake! Have resorted to co sleeping just to rest my eyes,funny how he seems to sleep then! Spoke to HV she says its normal for 4mth old to be unsettled n could be teething or growth spurt?
Hope Dan settles for you tonight, this is my third buba already have 2 girls nearly 8 and 2 yrs, im going be a busy mummy so hoping the rest of weight will fall off! We named her Hollie but we like Ava Rose so still not sure really need help!!!! Breastfeeding as come on brilliant today she's latching on alot better and had 2 good feeds this evening 10 and 15 mins, normally she's only on breast for 5 mins. Still haven't got my appeite bk since my section I did have major surgury as she was stuck under my ribs and they couldn't find her x

Have you lost 2st.6 just doing slimming world, thats a fab weight loss xx
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Hi aww love both names must be very hard to choose! Thankfully Dan slept alot better last night yay!!!! Lol at 2st6lb 1st6lb was baby lol but i weigh 4lb less than prepreg and i gained over 2st in pregnancy so very happy!

Back to work in 3 wk.booooooooo
Thats really good, I only put on half stone during pregnancy I weighed myself on sat (3 days after birth) and lost just over a stone but it was the same day my milk came in so going to wi on friday, not started slimming world yet giving myself a few wks to recover as I haven't got my appiete bk yet so been eating wot I fancy mainly cereal and chocolate opps, how old is Dan now? maternity leave just flys by. I think we going keep wiv hollie we kind of already chose that x
Thats brill, did u follow sw through pg?
Dan been weighed hes 19wk on sat n weighs 12lb 11oz. He seems to be leveling out now so going to carry on with exclusively breastfeeding as hes not showing all weaning signs yet so probably go down the babyled weaning, pity its all going to start when im back at work! Whats everyone else doing re weaning?
Cas enjoy eating what u like lol!
good evening all -hope everyone is well

Cas3 -glad your little one arrived safe n sound, sounds like you had a time of it though :eek:, hope you are on the mend soon.....
My little one has a touch of jaundice too -although it is improving... and like yours mine struggled to feed from the boob too -although If I saw something about 4 times bigger than my head coming my way Im not sure I would be keen either :p. I started off in hospital trying part boob, part cup and part syringe until I put my foot down as he was confused, I was stressed so I said I would put it in a bottle-at least he would still be getting the same nutrients and now he can flit between badooby and bottle no problem -depending what mood he is in ;))

Im all :clap: today as Charlie has his 2 week check, he started off at 6lb 8oz and in his first week dropped to 5lb 15oz -not surprising really as we struggled to get him to feed in hospital - well this week he has shot up to 6lb 12.5oz -so he has gained 13.5oz in a week :D, so at least I know he is getting enough milk and that my milk has what he needs.
He has started having more feeds straight from the badooby now as well, although we are still doing a mix of boob and expressed milk. This morning I woke up and thought I was growing a 3rd boob as I had a tennis ball sized lump in my left one -but once I attached the pump and massaged away -it disappeared (and gave me heaps more milk than usual :p) -luckily it didn't hurt ...and as Charlie has been on the badooby more today I have 320ml of milk stashed in the fridge so 3-4 feeds there for him :bliss:.
Hubby is being an absolute diamond(as always) - doing the night feed - we are tag teaming the little sausage, I change him and put a clean sleep suit on for bed, then hubby feeds his last bottle and settles him in his carrycot, then we have his milk in the spare fridge in the spare bedroom and a flask of hot water by the bed, hubby does the night feed and changes him -usually about 3am and then I sit in bed and express some more and then I get up for the early feed -about 6am -feed him and settle him back in his bed and come down to express more milk and get myself sorted....gawd am I glad that hubby doesn't need to work until at least the end of June :D
ooooh and after I had charlie I came out of the hospital 11lbs lighter than I went in and then this week I have some how managed to lose 6lbs -without really trying :p... gotta love breast feeding.... I have found that Im drinking more -even though I allready cleared about 8pt of water a day before..but I don't seem to be any hungrier yet -although Im sure it will kick in soon lol...
Right enough waffle - I had better get off and have a relax before I express some more ;)
Have a god night everyone and hope we all get lots of zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs
Blooming hell 320ml? Jeeze i only manage to get 80ml from one boob at a time,dreading going back to work cos dont think ill be able to express enough ......any tips grateful thanks. Well done on your weight loss. Make sure you eat, i just didnt get time at first lol. Your hubby sounds fab, mine is going to get a big shock when im back in work, no more lie ins for him n i cant wait!!!
jojogonnabeslim said:
Hey Bunny,
Theres a toy library at my centre too, very good idea! Went in toysrus last wk with a gift voucher omg how expensive? Bought practical stuff like car window blinds instead! lucky ive had a lot of toys as hand me downs but ill use the library and go to the baby table top sales for more. No point buying new as they soon loose interest. Cant recommend the baby sales enough they're fab and you're helping with recycling too!
As for slings they're good to try out certain types before you buy n £5 for the mth is reasonable.
Mrs2010 you'll be pleased to know i went ahead n ordered a sling i liked off victoria and very giddy as she does a hungry caterpiller a very happy mummy! Lol
Anyone have the coil? I'm having a very heavy period atm after having the copper coil fitted last mth :-( just glad its not painful! Hope its the reason for my 2lb gain this wk!

They really are fab aren't they! I love mine but it's just a plain black one as I was team yellow when I ordered it!!

Do u ladies have all ur extra healthy extras? I may have asked this b4 but I seem to be struggling to have 6 a day!!!
Aww lovely pics hun. Sometimes struggle to have all mine but use to having sandwiches using 4 slices ww brown bread now lol its more the a choices so often sit n have a couple blocks of cheese at night 30g blocks that is lol. You could have milkshake if stuggling to eat? Not looking forward to giving them up now lol x
Yea b's r easier as I just have proper size slices of wm bread or hifi bars it's all the a's although like u say mayb a milkshake or something wud b good as I no u can get sugar free crusha that's only half a syn! I'm gonna get too used to having them all and then struggle wheb I'm not allowed them! U think I could breastfeed forever??? Lol x
Gorg pics!!

Well tj had his second jabs tuesday n had snuffles since. Today been so bad his coughin n cant breathe so struggling to feed but is hungry :( wat do u do? We have karvol n saline drops nothin helpin :,(

Fern vanished? Wonder how she is

calorie counting journey!! start:: 14s 8lb current:: 14s 7lb.... 43lbs to go!!
Hi, long time no post lol!

Your babies all seem so teeny tiny. We've all been ill in my house so I've got a 19 month old breastfeeding like a newborn. It's making me wonder how long until she weans.....I'm worried she won't! She has uintil she turns 2 then that's it no more boobie.

We were sat playing where's your body part this morning so I was saying, 'where's your foot' and she was waving her foot in the air, where's your hands etc etc. I was amazed how much she knew. Then hubby asked her, where's your boobies? She turned around to me and blew a raspberry on my chest!

And I got my century badge! :D
Hello aww leeanne poor u them blooming jabs grrr! Dont know what to give for a cough when Dan had snuffles i used snuffle baby and saline drops also tried steam from shower not sure it worked though.
Was going to suggest the sugar free crusha, wish they did all flavours sf! Also wish i could bf forever.....i love cake, it must be really hard for you to think about giving up after so long, i nearly cry thinking about it and im only 4 mth in!!
Dan has turned really fussy on the boob , pulling off n crying n fidgeting n grabbing at me.....ended up ringing le leche line, spoke to a lovely lady who gave me loads of info n tips.Also going to see lactation specialist cos im convinced now my latch is not 100% partly my fault partly poss tongue tie, shall update on tues. Looking forward to telling work that i will have to express the same pattern as Dan feeds so thats every 2 hrs then lol. Anyone at work n expressing???
Good afternoon all, hope everyone is well.

Well I have finally started getting to grips with uploading some photos (oooh I am a cabbage when it comes to technology :p) -anyhoo -here is one of my fave pics of my scrumptious little man ..oooh I could eat him up :D.... this is his "butter wouldn't melt poses" -you might need to click it to see him properly
2012-04-05 18.44.18.jpg

He is still being as good as gold... for the last couple of nights he has slept down stairs in his carry cot with daddy as mummy has been getting some serious cramps as everything moves back in to place I assume - sometimes the pain take my breath away, so hubby has done night duty...although bless the little dumpling he tends to go to sleep about 11pm then wake up about 4am for a feed and then off he goes again until about 7-8am-ish :D. Hubby just wanted me to get plenty of sleep, as he keeps pointing out that if I am poorly then I won't be able to keep the milk coming -so If Im not well then bumpsy will suffer too..ooh he is a diamond.. it must be working as I am slowly turning into Daisy the Dairy cow :giggle:.I expressed 260ml off first thing this morning and another 100ml about 9am and Im about ready to go again... At the moment I have 6x90ml feeds in the fridge so Im planning on getting some storage pots tomorrow so I can start freezing a bit -even if I can just do one feed a day for the freezer I will be happy..
Charlie is starting to go on the badooby more often too -although he does just love to snooze on there -he would stay there all day if he could get away with it... In an odd way Im glad that he is part boob and part breast milk in a bottle as I don't think I would be comfortable feeding him in public -Now if I had those lovely boobies where mums can discreetly lift there top and attach babe and away they go I would be fine..but, well My badoobies are rather large and getting Charlie attatched quite often looks like a bag full of ferrets fighting -what with man handling my boob with one hand and trying to wrestle the little fella in to place with the will never be classed as discreet

JOJO -Im not sure what has helped with the expressing, although initially I thought that if the milk stopped then that boob was done :d' I realise that if I leave the pump going a little longer I will hit another duct its just a case of waiting for it to get stimulated, I also attach my pump and once its going I use one hand to gently knead and massage the boob -It seems to make a great difference for me ooooh and have you tried leaning forward when things slow down so that the weight of your boob is on the plastic cup bit -that might just make a difference to me because I have big badoobies :giggle:.
I have to say that I have said to hubby that I don't know how ladies with other children find the time to express -its almost a full time job -by the time the little one is down and I have had a drink etc and expressed its time to start again -and Thats even though Charlie is a good baby and hubby is a star-so GAWD know how everyone does it....
We are off to register Charlie B tomorrow -so then he will be all official :clap:. I have also put his first reusable nappy on this morning -I just wanted to try one as Im not sure if they are still a little wide between the legs or not -so we will see and if they are ok I can stop with the disposable ones:cross:.

Afternoon everyone,
mrss 2010 you done amazing to lose that much weight and 8 wks have gone so quick, capricorn its nice to hear how well Charlie is doing and im quite jealous with how much milk ur making.
Im so tired today just walked to my daughters school with a double buggy bout an hr of walking! can anyone recommended a good breast pump want to start expressing wudnt feel comfortable feeding in public and Hollie finds it quite hard work feeding on the breast so im mix feeding as she's still below her birth weight x

Hollie is 12 days today I weighed myself and ive lost 19lbs since birth, which makes me 12 lbs lighter than pre preg, I follwed sw on and off couldnt really stick to it, so towards the end just kept an eye on amount of calories I was having x