Brum's-diddly-done!! Has anyone seen some lost livers?

Love you Vicky. xxx
I really really want to come and if i cant get the leave i am going to out up big posters for someone to do a shift swap with me.
yes i think you should. you dont usually work a saturday though do you?
Yes but not many. Well at the moment but they are changing all the rotas.
Does anyone know if the tax office would e mail me or not?
No ive just checked their website and they DO NOT e mail you its a scam. Make everyone aware as it looks just like it would be from them.
oh i thought you meant you were going to email them about something and wondered if they would reply to you!
Yes but not many. Well at the moment but they are changing all the rotas.
Does anyone know if the tax office would e mail me or not?

I very much doubt it love.
Woh! Scary stuff, - well spotted Cheryl - some of those phishing emails look identical to the real thing.

Me, me, me!!!! Almost certainly will come - just need to check leave dates in work on Monday. Also, we need to check with the holidayers before we book, don't we?
I'm naturally gonna assume you all are a crowd of axe-murdering internet weirdos, so will arrange a bail-out call/round the clock police surveillance/personal bodyguard as per usual internet meetups? :p

That's me that is. :p
OK then, I'll be William!
i'm the maid with the candlestick (right game?)

ooh, and don't forget to add Spud (steve) to the list!
he reads a lot more than he posts, is doing well on atkins!
I do like a nice frock Bren. :)