ProPoints CarlyLanky140's Weight Loss Journey (28/155lbs)

Still doing what I can but it hurts :( lol x
Just checked and I've earned 142 ap this week!! No wonder I'm snacking lol... Fingers crossed for STS or little loss x
I lost 1lb this week :) that's my 3 stone and 7lbs in last 3 weeks :D x
Thanks Jo :D

I was so pleased to have lost 3 stone... but it has taken nearly a year!! need to get myself sorted and commit to it a bit more!!

Some nasty woman at Court who I told I had lost 3 stone said "oh you must have been a really big girl then!" what a cow!! just made me feel crap... even with all this work I am still just the big girl!!! xx
Carly, it is taking me forever to lose weight too. I think you really have to drop a big amount of weight, for people to be amazed and notice it !! That's how it is for me, anyway... I have lost, what 61 lbs which is like almost 5 stone and sometimes I get the impression, that, people think I'm lying about it or they just still see a fat girl in front of them... Don't sweat it hun, just keep going, we will get there in the end !!!

Diva x
Thanks darling :) I will keep at it x
Thanks chick :) feeling fat this weekend :( x
Been naughty this weekend and lunch today so gonna work hard for next few days!

It's been less than a week since I injured my foot and although it's painful I've been to gym everyday and I've for back to walking from work today. So gonna walk both ways tomorrow :D

Nothing is gonna stop me! Xx
2, 4, 6, 8 ..... The Diva thinks Carly is doing GREAT !!! I know you won't let an over indulgent weekend control your whole week !!! Straight back at it or the Diva will have to start posting lots of piccys of lush Bridesmaid Dresses here on your Thread !!! Hehehe !!!

This will make you smile.... As I am in one-derland again, and a glutton for punishment...sorry, I mean in an awesomely motivated place at the moment :p I have started jogging !!! :eek: After today's attempt I think my wobbly bits will stop wobbling in approx 3 more hours !!! :eek:

Have a good week, Hun !!

Diva x
Well done for jogging :) ooooo some dress pics please :D x
:D x
Aloofasc 6lbs (2.5lbs down, 3.5lblbs to go)
Azwethinkweiz 4lbs (0lbs down, 4lbs to go)
Beki 7lb (0lbs down, 7lbs to go)
Bignomore13 14lb (3lbs down, 11lbs to go)
BlondeSue 6lbs (0 down, 6lbs to go)
Bulldogdaisy 6lbs (2.5lbs down, 3.5lbs to go)
CLH_X3 8lbs (+0.5lbs down, 8lbs to go)
Cori 4lb (0lb down, 4lb to go)
chipbutty 7lbs (1lb down, 6lb to go)
Daisy80 7lbs (0.6lbs down, 6.4lbs to go)
Dia Dhuit Puisín 6.5lbs (1.5lbs down, 5lbs to go)
Elle86 7lbs (0lb down, 7lbs to go)
Fatnomore 8lbs (0lbs, 8ibs to go)
Gemelli 3lbs (0lbs, 3lbs to go)
GlassRose.x 8lbs (3lbs down, 5lbs to go)
Goose1 5lbs (3lbs down, 2lbs to go)
Gracemiren 5lbs (0lbs down, 5lbs to go)
Granty 7lbs (1.5 up, 8.5 to go)
Iwannabeslim30 8lbs (0lbs down,8lb to go)
Jensonbuttongirl 5lbs (2lbs down, 3lbs to go)
Kimboowee 6lbs (0lbs down, 6lbs to go)
Kmmh58 8lbs (4.5lbs down, 3.5lbs to go)
Knittyflitty 7lb (0 down, 7lb to go)
lynns3cookies 7lb (0 down, 7lb to go)
Marthamydear 7lbs (0 down, 7lbs to go)
MrsK87 4lbs (0lbs, 3lbs to go)
RaspberryMoon 10lbs (3lbs, 7lbs to go)
Rover_gem 6lbs (2lb down, 4lbs to go)
Roxie_belle 8lbs (0lbs, 8lbs to go)
Sazperilla 6lbs (2lbs down, 4lbs to go)
Sarah_88 6lbs (0lb lost, 6lb to go)
shane-24 14lbs (0lbs, 14lbs to go)
Soozy1 8lbs (0lbs, 8lbs to go)
Thanks Diva :D

Well Gang - I am just gonna do my best for this next week.... It is my birthday on Saturday :D

I will start afresh on 15th/16th and I am going to try SF for a few weeks :D - so nice fresh start :D I am still going to WI on Friday.... :D

I have also just set up a new biggest loser challenge - please sign up :D

Hope everyone is well... I will try to get on here when I can :D xx
Hello all :D I enjoyed my birthday - now back to it :D x
Thanks :D x
[h=6]Feeling really low last two days... It's probably just post birthday/ nothing to look forward to... Plus special occasions just remind me I'm alone and I stupidly text the ex :(

Plus my friend who is a teacher was telling me the bad stuff.... Just wasn't a good day to hear it!!

And I desperately need to get bk on diet. But I'm having one of those I'm sick of eating weeks where I don't want anything coz I'm so bored and anything I do fancy is not good! :(

I think I might be tired lol
[/h] I don't know what to do... I can't decide whether to do pp/ sf/ cc.... or whether to go back to meeting... I will be fine... I will take a few days to plan :D

Friday is my brand new start!! No more excuses!!! x