CD and trying to conceive???


Gold Member
Hi all, what is CD's stance on being in ketosis and ttc? I know that you can't do CD whilst pregnant, and I would absoloutely stop when I find out I am... Just hoping that being in ketosis is allowed whilst TTC.
interesting question Ruth, I would like to know too. I suffer from PCOS and a low carb diet it recommended anyway which should produce a mild Ketosis so I would think it is ok whilst trying?

I am seeing my specialist next month to get a date to start fertility treatment so I can ask then if no one knows

Thanks both x
Well, I suffer badly from pregnancy and whilst I was not dieting before or during pregnancy I was so sick and could not eat that my body went into it's own 'ketosis'. I was in ketosis for weeks (about 10) and lost loads of weight. Whilst it was very unpleasant it did not harm either of my babies and as you have already said you would just stop anyway.

Loads of luck! x