Celebrity Big Brother

i thought Jade was being sincere when she really was confronted by the facts...i really believe she knows not what she does or says

I mean Jodie WAS bullied and no one pulled out the stops, Shahbaz was very ill treated and no one pulled out the stops

It was wrong of them three girls...but there was three, not just Jade who just happens to be the loudest

and i agree that the crowds shouldnt be there...i mean after all it could contain some nutter who would try and do for Jade and that would be horrendous

the Media has blown this global...much to the delights of Ch4 producers...

I maintain i dont think it was racism...it WAS bullying and should have been nipped in the bud, but where was BB??? watching and loving the profits rolling in.

They are the ones who should be bought to book...

I actually do hope Jade gets her career back...it was blown outta proportion

So two to go on Friday, wonder who it'll be. Jo I'm sure will be booted out, I don't think she has too many fans, I really liked her when she went in, but my opinion has changed completely. Shame that Danielle's not up with her and they could both go, lazy pair of mares - did you see them last night not even helping Ian when he asked for someone to dry the dishes for him, just lay on the couch and let someone else do it. I'd be so ashamed if that was my daughter, mind you I'd be so ashamed because of the rest of their behaviour too, the laziness is just one more reason, on top of so many, that I don't like either of them!

Just hope that Ian & Shilpa stay in on Friday and the second person out is Dirk or Cleo.