Chilled yogurt drink for summer


Gone a bit quiet
I just realised that this really refreshing drink which I've made on a hot day for years is pure Dukan. PV day fare.

I clove garlic squashed fine
About 2-3 cm Cucumber, if organic leave skin on after washing well.
2 or 3 tablespoons yogurt or half and half with Fromage Frais
Ice cubes or crushed ice
Parsley, chopped fine for garnish

Put all in liquidiser and press button till cucumber totally amalgamated. Stick another ice cube into a glass and pour in mixture. Sprinkle with parsley. If you are concerned about the garlic scent add parsley to the mix before liquidising as well.

I find it also quells hunger pangs, so good if you are waiting for food to cook.
Sounds really nice but not sure about the garlic in a drink? I love garlic but never considered it that way, is it nice? Lol. I may try this as I am curious x