Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!


I'll just leave this here to cheer you up.x.x.
I kept going grocery shopping...not the best idea I'll admit, I am no eating a dairylee dunker - 625 calories today, I have failed my fast, but I'm well under my Syns and calories so hoping it'll even out. If only I'd have seen Jared Leto earlier!! :O

haha if only we had ALL seen Jared sooner

You haven't failed, you have just found another way not to do a fasting day :) .x.x.
So don't get the Jared thing (at least not this one!!) I think it's the guy liner lol

625 is not a lot at all Hun so if not doing a fast today why not eat something if you're hungry?

I realise this is prob way late x
Im a sucker for a cheeky bit of guy-liner. I love Jared in My so called life.x.
Yep, I'm a sucker for some guy-liner too, but not too much, just a tad! it's the eyes that do it for Jared though! I went to bed pretty soon after the dunker (my god it was heavenly) it was 6 Syns apparently, but worth every one of them!! I'm down half an lb this morning, so must have done some good!

Welcome Slayer, to the place where I moan and we all drool over delicious man candy! :)

Plan for today: I'm going back to basics!
Breakfast: Fruit salad with Mullerlight (Free! 188 Cals)
Lunch: Special K (5 Syns 175 Cals)
Dinner: My darling boy is out tonight (scooooreee) so despite the fact I'd love to order a sneaky Chinese to myself, I wont, promise! Think I'll go for a cheesy mugshot (2Syns 307 Cals) a turkey salad sandwich (HeB + Free everything else 490 Cals) and a cheeky packet of space raiders if I'm still hungry (3Syns 77 Cals)

Total Syns - 10, maybe 11
Total Calories - 1062

Ooh sounds like a much better day today, hope it goes well chicken, no yummy men today but how cute is this little dude?!
2284_64025242768_7689_n.jpgWill be off to play with him soon :D x
Aww bless! So tiny!

It's just occurred to me I am the same weight I was before Christmas impact, I've technically lost nothing the entirety of January! I have 4 months till my holiday, and AT LEAST 3 stone to lose. February will now be blitz month! I am going to sign up to the gym, start doing proper exercise again (maybe even 30 day shred) and no more treat days, at least not for Feb. Wish me luck, I need to get this weight gone or I am not getting on the plane! Someone give me a good kick up the bum if I stop!

How about sticking to one thing Hun? Like either 5:2, CC or SW? I don't know about you but all this chopping and changing is messing with my head and body big time!

I'm currently just in the camp of "no bingeing" which isn't a diet and probably won't help me lose anything, but it's aim is to stop me gaining until I get back from holiday in a few weeks.

But you need to do what you feel is right for you, whatever it may be, and we shall be here for you with hugs or boots depending on what's needed :p xx
I think I'm definitely going to give up with 5:2, it just doesn't work for me - feel way too deprived, I'm quite liking the combination of counting cals and SW, but mainly because it's fitting nicely, I'm not having to down my calories or really watch them all that much, it just seems to sit about the right amount each day after I've had my Syns.

My main problem at the mo is avoiding treats and binges, same as you! I lose it, and then have a night off and put it back on, constantly stuck at 12.5/12.6! Definitely time for a change either way!

Think it's a bit of both at the mo, maybe go in for a hug and then kick me when I feel jollied along! :p
Maybe try some fake-aways as treats for your nights off? I couldnt do 5:2 I would just rebel straight away haha. For january I decided I was having a no-gain month and its really helped me stick to it (I also have my 6 stone in sight though eek!) Saunas and steams help drop weight too (if you want to cheat a bit haha) I knwo you know the plan but if there's any help you need Im here :) would rather that than booting your bum lol.x.
OH MY GOD, NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE AGAIN BOYFRIEND! I could have just had a bloody chinese, it would have been better *hangs head* I'm so ashammmmmeeddd! *literally stropping at myself like a child*

Ladies I've been awful since I've been home, I want to list it, but just pretend you've read it or I'll be super embarrassed.
2XMugshots - not even the free ones dammit! (4)
1XVelvet crunch packet (4)
1XPacket space raiders (3)
1XTurkey salad (totally makes up for it...) sandwich (2)
1XDairlylea dunker (6...)

19 Syns...seriously what's wrong with me?!
I just couldn't stop myself....I feel like a naughty child. My only consolation is that I had relatively low Syns and calories yesterday, but that SO doesn't make up for it.

What was a I saying about a kick up the bum? *huff*


go and have a nice hot bath, put some music on and relax, take your mind off it. Tomorrow is another day :hug99:
aww chicken! :patback:

Dont worry about it. You cant un-do it. All you can do is maybe try and identify why it happened? Is it because you were alone and there was no one to tell you not to *ahem* snack. Was it because you were fasting and were hungry or its a bit of a rebel since you decided not to do it anymore? Or something else entirely.

Or just hide under the duvet and pretend it didnt happen.x.x.
I think it's because I really wanted something naughty *coughCHINESEcough* but told myself I couldn't have it and must be good so maybe felt like I was rebelling a bit, the sandwich, first mugshot and one packet of crisps were planned - hitting 10 Syns, and then I just...couldn't stop! Was still hungry and instead of reaching for the nice big punnet of strawberries (which ironically I'm now craving!) I went "I shall have more comforting goodies!" - Boy doesn't leave me on my own a lot, so my usual instinct is to have a girly treat night, chinese, some ice cream, a face mask and some bad tele, just went a bit OTT!

I've done something weird to my jaw, so kinda hurts to eat, so that might come in handy tomorrow.

As for now, I'm going to go snuggle in bed with a film, feeling stuffed so at least that's something - no more food for me tonight.

Thank you for kind words girls, means a lot. Tomorrow is a new day, I shall be good!
aww hen, just see it as a one off and blame the boy!

Enjoy your film :) .x.x.