Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

Anything that is bad for you tastes so good! It's torture. The cheese and leek mash sounds lush and it won't hurt if you have that. Don't go crazy on the exercise you've been surviving on so little sleep that your body will hate you for it. Just do what you can and don't beat yourself up for not doing more. Did you sleep better last night after some exercise? xx

That's why I'm hoping for an early night tonight, at least if I can't sleep well my body will feel rested, think I slept better last night, certainly don't feel as drained, the nap on the sofa might have helped too! :p

Bubble bath, bed. That is tonights plan! Though the bad food cravings have just kicked in!
I forgot my shred yesterday as my friend popped around for a cup of tea and it was late by the time she left x

Butttt... I have finally lost 1/2lb this morning, it is not a lot but am so pleased to see it go a bit lower and I have never got back down to weighing this low *does a little dance* x

Need to try and do shred again today and maybe walk to town :)

Your cheese and leek mash sounds yum, have you tried cheese and whole grain mustard mash? X
I forgot my shred yesterday as my friend popped around for a cup of tea and it was late by the time she left x

Butttt... I have finally lost 1/2lb this morning, it is not a lot but am so pleased to see it go a bit lower and I have never got back down to weighing this low *does a little dance* x

Need to try and do shred again today and maybe walk to town :)

Your cheese and leek mash sounds yum, have you tried cheese and whole grain mustard mash? X

Well done! That's great! :)

I haven't tried it no, not a huge mustard person! I can just about cope with mustard powder!
I'm so angry and annoyed today I feel like I could cry. And no it's not Boys fault (bonus!)

Today, a "friend" announced (Via facebook of course) that she's going to become a "Yummy Mummy", now don't get me wrong that should seem like wonderful news, but she's unemployed, not got a boyfriend and still lives with her parents, again I know it doesn't sound horrible, accidents happen I know, but she's purposefully gotten pregnant to join her friend who is also having a baby (and is unemployed, living at home and with no boyfriend). Please nobody think I'm being harsh, I know accidents happen and I know that every life should be a blessing bla bla bla, but why is it that 80% of the girls I went to Primary school with are in this situation? I have my own home, a stable job and a wonderful partner, and we can't afford to have a child, because that';s what people think about right? is the time right, can we afford one? How do other people seem to have the luxury of just having a child with no thought, no father and no money?

I really don't mean to come across as a huge bi*ch, and please don't take any of this to heart, I have a young mother friend called Holly, 2 kids at 21, stable job, home, husband and she's done so well for herself and I am so so proud of her, but it seems SO unfair that she's worked so hard to get where she is and other people just want to have a little baby to treat like a doll with not thought of anything else.

I'm usually the least judgmental person, but I'm so heartbroken, don't even think I'm angry, just devastated, it will be years before we can afford to get married or put a deposit down or have a family. I feel like I could weep.
Aww sweetie :bighug:
You are doing it the right way!! Maybe it's the whole benefits thing? Pretty much everyone I went to school with had kids within 1-2 years of leaving because they knew they'd get a flat and be supported by the government.
Annoys the hell out of me considering 50% of grumpys wages goes on tax and they do nothing and have more money than we do!!

I personally never wanted kids but I feel really sorry for those that can't have them but really want them, and then you get kids getting pregnant from a one night stand :(

I guess you could look at the other side and say well you're never really 'ready' so if it's something that's important for you, then don't wait, things will work themselves out xxx
Aww sweetie :bighug:
You are doing it the right way!! Maybe it's the whole benefits thing? Pretty much everyone I went to school with had kids within 1-2 years of leaving because they knew they'd get a flat and be supported by the government.
Annoys the hell out of me considering 50% of grumpys wages goes on tax and they do nothing and have more money than we do!!

I personally never wanted kids but I feel really sorry for those that can't have them but really want them, and then you get kids getting pregnant from a one night stand :(

I guess you could look at the other side and say well you're never really 'ready' so if it's something that's important for you, then don't wait, things will work themselves out xxx

I just don't get it, that's what annoys me most, I can't get my head around HOW people think like that, it's not a cup of tea, it's a child, that in 18 years will be an adult and you'll still have to deal with, it's as if they just want a play thing to stay small forever.

I know accidents happen, and people should be free to do whatever they want with their bodies, I don't like one night stands but if you want one go on then! I just don't understand how they don't think it through, my mum would have been devastated if I'd come home at 18 with no job, no boyfriend and gone "I'm going to have a baby". What gets me the most is that she's done it on purpose! How can anyone think that's a dream situation?!

I know benefits are there for a reason, I have no issue with people getting help if they need it, but why has it become a lifestyle? my mum taught us you grew up, you get a job, that's just how life worked!!

I feel so guilty for being upset, I don't even want kids yet, I'm not even sure I want them at all! We'd probably adopt if we decided we want them, but she can have her own and I don't make enough money to meet the criteria for adopting one! Madness!

All I want to do is wallow and eat ice cream pancakes.
Oh I have no problem with benefits for those that need them either, but I also believe that unless it's a health thing then you shouldn't get them until you've paid in, the way it used to

Annoyingly you say you don't make enough money to adopt and yet when you go to adopt they'll expect one of you to give up work! It's all upside down and back to front

Ooh ice cream pancakes...I don't have pancakes but there is some chocolate Carte Dior in the freezer :p xxx
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Oh I have no problem with benefits for those that need them either, but I also believe that unless it's a health thing then you shouldn't get them until you've paid in, the way it used to be.

Babies having babies!! It's not right, I am old fashioned that way, good or bad, I just am :( I'm not remotely judgemental usually but those are two things that bug me.

Ooh ice cream pancakes...I don't have pancakes but there is some chocolate Carte Dior in the freezer :p xxx

I have a Tesco 5 seconds away from home and a half day today, don't think WI tomorrow ill be a success, especially considering my nice littler 0.5 loss has vanished!
Oh dear! Well if it'll make you feel better *stops self* god I'm such a little enabler!! :p xxx
Oh dear! Well if it'll make you feel better *stops self* god I'm such a little enabler!! :p xxx

It will! But only until tomorrow when the scales show no loss or a gain and then I'll cry!

I'll be good (she says), go home and attempt some exercise and have a good dinner!
Big hugs lovely girl. You're not being judgemental at all and it's really unfair. There are too many people who think the government owe them a living and think that other people will keep footing the bill for their choice of lifestyle. It's so unfair that people who contribute to society can't afford to have kids and you've every right to feel annoyed by it.

I see both sides of the argument (Age 20 living with parents and engaged and working full time but fall pregnant. Aged 21 living with baby and baby's dad in a house he had bought when we knew I was pregnant and don't go back to work after maternity. Age of 22 however he'd kicked us both out and I'm reliant on benefits as a single mum to an 18 month old baby while he dashes off to get an 18 year old pregnant) I went back to work as soon as I could find childcare which saved my sanity and my pride but was on benefits long enough to know that it isn't an easy option and you do struggle with what they give you. Saying that I wasn't the type to claim for illnesses I didn't have and try and get more than what I was "entitled" to. I don't like using the word entitled because I didn't feel that way at all, at that age I hadn't paid enough tax to be entitled if you know what I mean? Some people really milk the system and it's those people who give the ones who genuinely need help a bad name.

I agree with Pixie though, with kids I don't think there is ever a right time but take pride in wanting to do things the right way because if more people were to think like that then there would be less kids in care and the welfare bill would be a lot smaller. Sorry for the long post but this subject winds me up too xxx
Big hugs lovely girl. You're not being judgemental at all and it's really unfair. There are too many people who think the government owe them a living and think that other people will keep footing the bill for their choice of lifestyle. It's so unfair that people who contribute to society can't afford to have kids and you've every right to feel annoyed by it.

I see both sides of the argument (Age 20 living with parents and engaged and working full time but fall pregnant. Aged 21 living with baby and baby's dad in a house he had bought when we knew I was pregnant and don't go back to work after maternity. Age of 22 however he'd kicked us both out and I'm reliant on benefits as a single mum to an 18 month old baby while he dashes off to get an 18 year old pregnant) I went back to work as soon as I could find childcare which saved my sanity and my pride but was on benefits long enough to know that it isn't an easy option and you do struggle with what they give you. Saying that I wasn't the type to claim for illnesses I didn't have and try and get more than what I was "entitled" to. I don't like using the word entitled because I didn't feel that way at all, at that age I hadn't paid enough tax to be entitled if you know what I mean? Some people really milk the system and it's those people who give the ones who genuinely need help a bad name.

I agree with Pixie though, with kids I don't think there is ever a right time but take pride in wanting to do things the right way because if more people were to think like that then there would be less kids in care and the welfare bill would be a lot smaller. Sorry for the long post but this subject winds me up too xxx

I just felt really down, especially as Steve said last week (after seeing a post on FB from a benefit scrounging couple - we know them so I'm not lumping everyone in this group, they're genuinely milking it, who'd been together for about a month posted a picture of a massive very real ring and they're engaged) "That's not fair, I can't afford an engagement ring yet and they've only been dating a month and they don't work!". My goal in life isn't to get married, have babies and be reliant on him by any means, but sometimes I do just feel like "the girlfriend" It's so disheartening.

I understand your side, as I said, I have a friend Holly who got pregnant at 15 and she's worked SO hard to support her kids, they're impecibly mannered and dressed and hr husband is amazing, accidents happen, and I totally support peoples rights to keep a baby if it happens, at any age or situation, but it's the fact she's done it on purpose, she's been hunting specifically to get a guy to have a baby with to join her friends, who on earth plans that? I can't imagine trying to have a baby when being unstable - it's not even the being single, there are plenty of women out there who are independent and successful having children alone, more power to them! I just can't fathom planning a baby when you can't support it. You needed help, I LOVE that we live in a country where help is there for people who need it, redundancy, pregnancy, divorce - sh*t happen to good people and those people deserve every ounce of help they can get, but planning that life? Colour me confused.

I'm pretty sure Me and Boy will never have our own children, my immune system coupled with Parkinsons genetically on both sides means we'd probably never try, but I like the idea of adoption one day maybe, and even if we don't end up having kids, it's nice to have the option!

I'm normally not bothered, live and let live you know? Just read it on Facebook (what a rubbish way to announce it too "Good news! I'm going to be joining the Yummy Mummies!") whilst at work, having another rubbish morning dealing with customers and just going "where's my lucky break? Where's my families lucky break? Or the good people in the world who deserve to not work their backsides off everyday?".

Anyhoo, diet wise! I've been good all day, though my 0.5 loss has b*ggered off. Half day at work means I've been cleaning all afternoon - still not finished but taking a break! Green tea taken, haven't done any exercise yet (oops, did plan that but good caught up cleaning the kitchen!) but will hopefully do some cross trainer tonight! Not sure what's planned for dinner...might still end up being ice cream!
Cleaning is exercise, it's all movement after all and if you clean like I do when I'm angry then that's bound to burn some calories haha Your 0.5lb will come back don't worry and next week it will disappear in the right way along with some more of it's friends.

One of my closest friends had her first baby at 17 and my sister in law had her first at 16. Hell my mum and sister were both only 18 having babies but while all of them were happy accidents they've been raised properly and by hard working parents. Nothing wrong with having kids but it does suck when you work hard and there's things you want but can't have because you pay your way and don't expect it to be handed to you. It does suck but if they're ready to jump in so quickly it might not last that long and you on the other hand have a boy who wants you to have a lovely ring and after waiting so long whether you do decide to get married, adopt etc when it does happen it will be so much sweeter and you will really appreciate and enjoy it xxx
Cleaning is exercise, it's all movement after all and if you clean like I do when I'm angry then that's bound to burn some calories haha Your 0.5lb will come back don't worry and next week it will disappear in the right way along with some more of it's friends.

One of my closest friends had her first baby at 17 and my sister in law had her first at 16. Hell my mum and sister were both only 18 having babies but while all of them were happy accidents they've been raised properly and by hard working parents. Nothing wrong with having kids but it does suck when you work hard and there's things you want but can't have because you pay your way and don't expect it to be handed to you. It does suck but if they're ready to jump in so quickly it might not last that long and you on the other hand have a boy who wants you to have a lovely ring and after waiting so long whether you do decide to get married, adopt etc when it does happen it will be so much sweeter and you will really appreciate and enjoy it xxx

I'm hoping so, God forbid I end up bitter and twisted!!

I hope it counts as exercise, I'm sweating like a pig!
If you're sweating then it has to count. You won't end up bitter and twisted you and boy will live happily ever after :) xx
What the hell body?! Worked my butt of yesterday, cleaning the house, 15 mins on cross trainer, 60 squats, free weights, Cardio from Jillian, green tea, 3 visits from PF - at 5pm my body was showing a 2lb loss (yay)...this morning, STS! WTF!? Not a happy Emma today.

Feel like this week is only going to get worse into the weekend, Boy's getting ill and has had 3 massive nosebleeds in the last 15 hours, * week starting for me, our friend has found out some pretty shattering family news and will probably be sleeping on our floor this weekend, the world can go to hell today. I want Pizza. If I've ever deserved to eat a tub of Ben and Jerry's on my sofa, it's today. Am I going to? No.

Breakfast: Peach + a plum
Lunch: Mug shot (cheese!) and snack a jacks - SW friendly but comfort food to me
Dinner: If I can resist the urge to get pizza, pulled pork sandwich, corn on the cob, HM coleslaw and wedges.

No exercise tonight, body hurts from effort yesterday, not like it mattered!
Urgh I hate your scales in the face! Don't they know that with everything else going on you needed them to be nice and show you a loss? Inconsiderate gits I'd throw them out ;) I know it's no consolation but the STS is probably down to *week and will show as a loss next week but that doesn't make you feel better today. I hope boy is better soon, the nosebleeds don't sound good at all xx
Urgh I hate your scales in the face! Don't they know that with everything else going on you needed them to be nice and show you a loss? Inconsiderate gits I'd throw them out ;) I know it's no consolation but the STS is probably down to *week and will show as a loss next week but that doesn't make you feel better today. I hope boy is better soon, the nosebleeds don't sound good at all xx

I think I would have been okay had it not showed me a 2lb loss yesterday, was really excited! Though just by feel, I can fell I've lost weight around my ribs, it's always the first place I notice it, so not completely heartbroken! I said to Boy yesterday, 1 2lb loss will spur me on to carry on and a STS will spur me on to try harder, so either way it's a good thing I guess!

I am a bit worried about him bless, he normally gets nosebleeds when he's getting sick, but that doesn't seem normal, "I've got a cold, so I'll bleed from my face"
It's naughty of them to show you a loss then whip it away like that. It's nice that you can tell you've lost inches even if the scales aren't playing ball though it's never a bad thing to be spurred on to being more focused. Get him to the docs to have it checked out. Might just be that he's got a delicate nose and blowing it causes the cappilaries to burst xx