ClaireCat: trials and tribulations

Suzie, Advanced Electrolysis - Skin tag removal.

"Usually only one treatment is required.
Consultation and test patch £25
15min appointment £45
30min appointment £80
Each additional 15mins £37.50"

Come to Glasgow love, much cheaper! I'll put u up in the spare room! lol!
Based on this thread - we should all be happy with our very normal hairy bits - why are we using needles and spending a fortune?!!!!
No, I'm going to continue with the needles and spend a fortune! lol! Sorry, but I'm too paranoid and self concious about it to not cause endless amounts of pain trying to remove it! lol!
Right, I decided to bite the bullet (the two vinos are probably helping) and cut off some flaps with a nail clipper - as advised by an amazingly helpful forum - works! It is a lot easier than I thought, and didn't need any ice, hurt a teeny bit but that's all :).

I cut off about six (lots to go) and the big ones are bleeding a little - and I have a bit of tingling at the spot - but hey this so works for me!

I could have a smooth neck back by Sunday yaye! :)
OMG..... I'm not brave enough to do that!!! I feel faint!!!!

Pics please! :p
Right, I decided to bite the bullet (the two vinos are probably helping) and cut off some flaps with a nail clipper - as advised by an amazingly helpful forum - works! It is a lot easier than I thought, and didn't need any ice, hurt a teeny bit but that's all :).

I cut off about six (lots to go) and the big ones are bleeding a little - and I have a bit of tingling at the spot - but hey this so works for me!

I could have a smooth neck back by Sunday yaye! :)

Bloody hell Suse I've just had my tea :eek::eek:.
Hope you sterilised the clippers :eek:

I'm very fair ie non existent eyebrows and eyelashes and would love to be darker but having read your stories maybe I should be glad all I have to do is some dying! xxx
Sorry guys - had to share :) I have lived with these bloody things for a long time, so it is good to finally do something!

Ran the clippers under very hot water and after, wiped the neck down with antiseptic wipes. Won't do pics!
I got my eyebrows tattoo'd on a month or so ago. Not that I wanted mine to look real - im a bit of a goth, so i got them tattoo'd on to save me drawing them in! lol! :p
I knew a woman who had gold drop earrings welded on once - she was going travelling and thought it would save on baggage lol
Jeez, I'm so glad I'm a man :D
Yeah it's ok for men to let all your hairy bits show!

Glad you were pleased with the electrolysis Claire. I'm sure I haven't seen a price that cheap around here, maybe I just looked in the wrong place- I will be searching again! x

Yeah, well, I've never priced electrolysis before, but I was very impressed that its only £20 for 15mins!

Ive got a mole I want done, but I need to go get clearance from the doctor first before they'll touch it. I'll phone on Monday to get an appointment and then I'll see about booking myself in to get my mole and my jawline done! :D
Well, today, i feel like I want to eat everything in sight! lol!

So far:

B: 2 rolls n bacon with lc tom sauce (2g)
S: 3 bags pork scratchings (0.5g), oopsie desert (4g), vienese biscuit (9g)

15.5g - swear to god I want to eat everything! lol!
I'm just about to go re-bleach my hair, but then I think I'll have steak and fried courgettes! :D
Ha! Well... after bleaching it for the 4th time in the space of a week, I'd say it feel definitly like straw, and pretty close to all breaking off! :p

However, it is quite purple this time. But patchy. Probably should have used two tubs of purple on it. I shall inspect it in the morning and make a decision.

I will most definitly NOT be bleaching it again! lol!
Morning claire:). Hope the hairs ok :eek: !