Coffee and coke

can i join you on your journey??
I finding this site quite difficult to use ...don't know why !
i started dukan on tues 20/3/12
its seems to be going well for me so far:
20th ...weighed in at 12st 7
21st....12st 2
today sts 12st 0
i haven't cheated and i'm suffering with on/off headaches which i know is normal, but i'm also feeling queesy on wed and again today. Im going to buy the £7 wowcher deal the lady was mentioning on the other thread for the extra motivation. Im from Ireland its not on the list so i hope it works for me !
Im obsessing a bit on what am i going to eat next after ive ate b/fast or lunch as i,m not much of a cook ! im finding it a bit bland. I'm all egged out !!!
I was going to do attack for 4 days but i might do the ten and give myself a proper kick start. Ive put up a tracker but i cant seem to get it on my page but its on my google page, looks good when it moves lol !!
good luck to everyone lets hope this is the LAST diet we'll ever do !!!
Im going to set goals for myself, timelines i dont really have anything coming up, so i dont fall off the wagon !
jen x x x
jennyapple did you calculate your true weight on the dukan website... 10 days attack is far too long for someone of your stats it wont make you lose anymore weight than you would with a shorter attack as its only water weight that goes first... the real weight loss in in the cruise phase
Hi Ellie,

I did it says to do 3. But just by reading loads of posts i thought I'd do more, and i saw sammyzip50 doing 10 (i think) that i was of similar weight so I'd do ten too ! I thought if i lot avarage 1lb a day on top of the 7 i've lost i might get a stone off. Even to do it till i was 11 7ish.
I'm actually dreading going on to phase 2 incase i dont lose anything. ive never stuck to anything like this and joined this site in 2008. i log on every now and then and can never decide. I've done ww a couple of times but because you can eat evrything i think i borrow to pay back too often ! Ive hit rock bottom now though so really want to see a good loss to keep me on the right track.
jen x
Jenny Sammy isn't doing ten days only six, she may choose to extend a bit because she has been poorly and did eat some non attack foods. Seriously you don't have a huge amount to lose. If you do ten days you'll just lose motivation. You'll lose on cruise it just might take a week or two to settle in. Look at it as a longer term thing instead of a short term fix :)
not to mention getting bunged up... seriously you dont have much to lose at all and doing extra attack will only complicate things when you do move onto cruise
Thanks ellie & zakcat,
I see what you mean, i do want to do this properly and be able to sustain more importantly!
ill do my last attack today and start phase 2 tomoro. am i right by thinking pp days are the same as an attack day ? and then i have protein & veg days, can i decide what amount of days to do myself i was thinking 3pv 2 pp this i find a bit confusing
yes basicly its a pure protien day but with the extra 1/2tbsp of oatbran.... most PPl find alternating 1pv/1pp the easiest but its whatever suits the individual... I do 1/1 but if there is a night im going out for dinner i will swap round days
Good luck won't need it this is a fab diet x
Lots of us are weighing in on a Monday so see you over there, I'm going to try and not weigh before Monday now I'm on cruise. Can smell my Calamari Provencal cooking, smells amazing :D, going to have with a side of broccoli
please note: pp day is not the same as attack for the main reason being that dairy is not unlimited on attack phase.

best advice, read the book x
HI Sammy & Jenny,

I weighed in this morning and stayed the same. I thought I must have lost weight even though I haven't really done Dukan and any exercise. However I feel smaller must still be water as my bosy still trying to fight off being under attack. Anyway I was supposed to do 6 days of attack based on my personal assessment via the duakn website. I think they take into account how many times you have dieted in the past as well as how much you have to lose.

Anyway off work today and off to the doctors, happy days! Not sure what and when I will resume with the diet... Still be on the boards for now, though.....
I think you've made the right decision though. Its best to get yourself properly well again before stating again. I'm tucked up in bed today instead of work, think its viral, can barely move my head and stuffed up with cold symptoms.

Take care and don't be a stranger, its good to hang around even if just to keep in the healthy eating mode.

PV today for me today, really struggled yesterday, baked a big piece of cod with lemon and herbs but was plain and disgusting. Going to try chicken with coke (apparantly tastes like BBQ sauce!) today if I can make it out of bed that is.
Hi Sammy,

Sorry to hear your not well either. Looks like I'm off tomorrow and back to work on Wednesday. So you have managed to 11 pounds in that a week or so?
I know can't quite believe it, its not 11lb in a week though. I registered the Friday before and put that weight as my starting weight (202lbs), went away for weekend with some friends and ate constantly but seem to have lost 3lb over that weekend so its really 8lb in my first Dukan week but who cares!
Hiya, have been away for the weekend (York- fabulous!!) cos it's my birthday (far too old to put a number out there!!).Anyway, have managed to stick to pv days while away although there are some macaroons in a bag in the kitchen simply screaming at me to try them! Not weighed this morning cos too giddy opening cards etc. Will weigh tomorrow instead, but hoping to have notched my total up a little more, fingers crossed!This wil be the end of month two on Dukan and I am 22lbs down, so going well x Off into the sunshine now, isn't it fab!
Hiya, have been away for the weekend (York- fabulous!!) cos it's my birthday (far too old to put a number out there!!).Anyway, have managed to stick to pv days while away although there are some macaroons in a bag in the kitchen simply screaming at me to try them! Not weighed this morning cos too giddy opening cards etc. Will weigh tomorrow instead, but hoping to have notched my total up a little more, fingers crossed!This wil be the end of month two on Dukan and I am 22lbs down, so going well x Off into the sunshine now, isn't it fab!

Happy Birthday Izzysmum,

I bet you're not that old!
Alottolose hope you don't mind me asking, just notice under your user name it says you've been Dukaning since 2010.

How many times have you done it and why did you come off it?