Cokes back to induction


Silver Member
Well I am returning properly again. I have been having a little looksy through the boards throughout my pregnancy and period breast feeding knowing that I would come back. I stopped breastfeeding about 2 weeks ago after Emma was getting increasingly irritable and then she was hardly putting on any weight and I thought to myself she's had a good solid 3 months of my milk now she NEEDS to put on more weight so went to formula. It's been quite good as her irritability has lessened (we ALL know what it feels like to be hungry and irritable is the word) and leaving her for a little bit is easier knowing others can feed her. So I feel at peace with that decision now and ready to work on me again.

Strangely enough it would seem that pregnancy has been reasonable on my body as I craved fruit and salad and still went out alot walking, so after the (horrendous) birth I was lighter than before I got pregnant, and what with breastfeeding and still walking everywhere I am the lightest I have been in years, and only a stone heavier than I was on my wedding day 6 and a half years ago. So I am embracing this opportunity and going to the only eating plan that I really enjoy and have been able to stick to on a longer term basis. So back to induction. Day 3 today and I feel fine, although even starting this my hunger level was not bad, I am again feeling like I don't need to eat that much but still going and just eating small amounts really just getting a good amount of what we can have in induction, but looking forward to being out of induction for my strawberries, mmmmm.

I'm going to try to make it on here at least once a day, but what with baby Emma, and me going back to work next week it's going to be hard as my smartphone has packed up and rather than putting any cash aside for a new one all of my money magically seems to disappear but Emma's christmas present pile is getting larger and I need to stop it.

Any how, hello to my friends old and new, but Cokes is back on it (and on day 3 I feel more confident to say that, lol!) xxx
Hiya Rach, nice to see you back. Emma's a real cutie! Great that you craved healthy stuff. With my first it was lemon curd iced doughnuts followed by salt and vinegar crisps lol. No wonder I gained four and a half stone!!
Good luck and I'm sure you'll shift plenty more xx
Aww congratulations on the baby. Sounds like she chose when the right time for her to stop feeding was, which is perfect - or so I hear from the mums I know. Good to have you on the boards!
Thanks guys. I've been trying to get on here most of the morning but my internet router is playing up. Salt and vinegar crisps sound too nice right now Lisa, I love salted stuff so the doughnuts don't sound quite as good but hey when you're preggers the cravings rule. Got Emma on my knee as I'm typing as she doesn't want an afternoon sleep yet and seems to like the colours on screen right now so it's a win win. I really want some form of alcohol and to go dancing right now. I don't normally dance am I getting the atkins slight high do you think? I remember feeling quite good the last time I got into ketosis but didn't want to go out in the frost today with Emz for ketostix. I start work again on sunday so there will be plenty time for going out when I don't want to! Diet going ok minus the alcohol craving, but saying that I only had one beer last week and before that hadn't had alcohol since last October, so maybe it's just the thinking that techinically I can have it now, but I know it's still not a good idea with induction. Maybe I should have had a good booze up before induction. Or maybe I should just stop thinking about it as that beer I had didn't even taste that good last week. Bah! Emma's started crying. Now theres a distraction! Later guys ! x
A friend of mine, who is about to have her first baby, has made me swear I will deliver her two bottles of wine to the hospital :D

But, as you say, I think it is mainly the feeling that she can now have wine after all this time :)