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I fancy a bit of the feel-good factor. My OH gave me a hug this morning and sincerely said "you're much thinner to hug" which made me feel all glowy inside. Whilst I'm doing this for me and privately celebrate my little achievements (this morning 5 inches off my waist!!) it's always nice to know other people have noticed my efforts.

What's the best compliment you've received?
My OH often comments that there's much less of me. And he has even started wrapping his arms around me and lifting me off the ground! In public even! He's a brave man, because I'm not light, by any stretch of the imagination. But it does make me feel good that he makes those comments and does silly things like hugging me right off the ground! :D
Awww Sue..they will come flodding in Huni dont you worry!!!

Mine was Hubby telling me that my butt was definitely smaller! Lol, he has a way with words bless him.
I also get them at work from people I havent seen in quite a while.
Sue, I think some people don't like to comment. I hate to unless it's really obvious as if I say "have you lost weight?" and they haven't then it can offend. Also people that see you everyday don't notice as the change is so subtle. I was looking at my friend the other day and noticed that her jeans were really loose so I said to he wife "those jeans look really baggy on her now, has she lost some weight?" She had, but I only noticed cus her jeans used to be tight!

Since I got a promotion I don't see a lot of the crew I used to work with very often and when I do I often get "wow you look good" or "you've lost more weight". Which is very nice to hear. When I worked with them they rarely noticed. I was working with one guy from a different depot one day and he said "you used to be a lot bigger didn't you?" when I said yes and that I was surprised he noticed he replied "Yeah I noticed, your arse is much smaller now!"
my friends and family and bf make nice comments but my bf's family have never commented! I see them once every couple of months so you'd think they would make a comment as the difference would be more noticeable- part of my thinks they're a bit too shy to comment - some people think that if they comment then it's acknowledging the fact you were big... so they think they might put their foot in it! I'm seeing them this weekend so we'll see if they dare comment this time round!!!
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I agree with Taz - some of my friends that I see every so often don't comment. Usually it's either because they think they might offend me if they ask or they just don't notice because it's not something they would notice....if you see what I mean? I have a friend that doesn't look at/notice people's weight so I would never expect him to comment on it!
I rarely notice. Unless i don't see someone for ages and then it's really obvious I wouldn't notice at all!
I don't comment after losing a lot of weight myself through illness. It was really frustrating to get "ooh you look great you're so skinny!" when I actually felt awful. Plus I don't think you should have to lose weight to get compliments, I would say to someone they looked nice or comment on something they were wearing.
I don't comment after losing a lot of weight myself through illness. It was really frustrating to get "ooh you look great you're so skinny!" when I actually felt awful. Plus I don't think you should have to lose weight to get compliments, I would say to someone they looked nice or comment on something they were wearing.
That is such a good point!
I do this thing where I sit on the train and try and find one nice thing to say about everyone around - I can't always do it but most people have something you could compliment if you needed to, and the ones who don't I imagine have extra-lovely personalities!
I can still be a total b*tch and really harsh on myself but I have improved since doing this!
I do this thing where I sit on the train and try and find one nice thing to say about everyone around - I can't always do it but most people have something you could compliment if you needed to, and the ones who don't I imagine have extra-lovely personalities!
I can still be a total b*tch and really harsh on myself but I have improved since doing this!
Out loud or in your head?
The other day my best friends auntie saw me walking past her house and later reported back to my friend saying ''Jodie has lost quite a bit of weight! I had to look twice when I saw her the other day'' which I thought was really nice. xx