
SW forgives you.
Don't worry about it get back on plan don't do anymore damage and depending on when your weigh in is you may well maintain or even loose. Don't think saying your week is ruined is very nice as it gives you licence to carry on off plan. I've had pizza and still list before by just being 110% rest of days.
Thanks ladies I feel better now I've confessed lol, your absolutely right browsie, on a good note I'm stuffed still so it's the only thing I've had today. Ill just have a yogurt later. Weigh in tmrw ..gulp..

With reference to the "your week is ruined" comment...this is a support site :)
Thanks ladies I feel better now I've confessed lol, your absolutely right browsie, on a good note I'm stuffed still so it's the only thing I've had today. Ill just have a yogurt later. Weigh in tmrw ..gulp..

With reference to the "your week is ruined" comment...this is a support site :)

I'm sure it was said tongue in cheek - but on a positive note, good on you for fessing up and putting it behind you xxx
8pinktink8 said:
Thanks ladies I feel better now I've confessed lol, your absolutely right browsie, on a good note I'm stuffed still so it's the only thing I've had today. Ill just have a yogurt later. Weigh in tmrw ..gulp..

With reference to the "your week is ruined" comment...this is a support site :)

I think the comment was a joke!
I am an emotional eater and it is easy to say yeah don't do it again but it is so hard after so many years of using food as a coping mechanisum. Over time changing distractions does get easier but the hardest thing is to accept your error move on from it and learn from it. Is there anything you can do to help you stay motivated, I know everytime if I want to sabbatage I put one poud away and save up for something I really want :D
Sorry it was meant as a joke.:)

You read so many times that someone has 'ruined' their diet by eating a burger king or eaten more syns or they've had one more glass of wine then they allowed for yet it's not the end of the world.

Just don't do it again.;)

I think given the content of your signature, if you are going to make jokes, it's probably advisable to chuck a couple of smileys in there to reinforce the message that you aren't being terribly serious. Someone who is new to the forum could have very much taken that to heart and thought that this place was horrible off the back of that comment. We are here for support, not to make people feel worse than they already do.
I had some bad news yesterday and was feeling pretty sorry for myself, I think I took it what getting fit said the wrong way, sorry :), and no I, won't do it again lol, I felt queesy afterwards....all that fat, nice at the time though :p x bunny that's a good idea about the pound saving, I might start doing that thanks xx
You have nothing to apologise for - many of us have emotional triggers that cause us to fall off plan - you are far from alone :) Hope things seem a little brighter today. x
I did the same last week, got drunk and had a maccies but it was throughly enjoyed and gained 1 pound which i can live with, loving all the superfree this week hoping for a loss!
Lol, been there aswell. Only a pound on is ok. I'm getting weighed in 2nite so I'll reveal the good or bad news later....gulp....
8pinktink8 said:
Lol, been there aswell. Only a pound on is ok. I'm getting weighed in 2nite so I'll reveal the good or bad news later....gulp....

Hope it goes well