confused with the symbols in the food optimising book?


In the superfree section in the book, where the list of foods are; some have different symbols next to them e.g. ''S'' ''SS'' ''F'' ''C'' and ''CC''. What does this mean??

Thanks for reading x
I've got a 'Symbol Sense' page in mine (page 7) but basically:

S = Speed Food
SS = Super Speed Food
F = Fibre
FF = Super Fibre
C = Calcium Rich
CC = Calcium Richer than 'C'
H = Nutritious
HH = Patricularly Nutritious.
Yes there should be an explanation of the symbols in your book - which version do you have? Is it the most recent or are you working from an old edition?
I have looked through my old books and they all have a section called "symbol sense" somewhere or other. The one I am using at the moment is the book with the green heart on it and it is on page 7.