hi there,
ive only been doing ll for the last month , but like you did ,i feel great, they do say that you are better nourished with ll than most people are on a regular diet, i do take an additional vitamin suppliment though , just in case

have you discussed youre ideas with your ll councilor ?? management doesnt mean weight gain , infact reading several other threads seems to suggest that people continue to loose on management until they find the right balance of calories to maintain their goal weight, so that is certainly something worth considering , you would just need to consider whether the possible initial lb or two gain , then a slower loss is right for you or if you want to just get where you want to be asap, either way i think management is such an important tool we cant afford not to do it if we want to get control for good.
you know what ,im probably not helping at all am i ???

but maybey another persons imput is what you need to get your options clear in your own mind
but what an amazing loss well done you for getting 4 stone off , that has taken some pile of will power and drive , i just hope i have it in me too, i know where youre coming from with the baby thing though, i was lucky enough to concieve in sept 04 but i really didnt think of the repercussions of an overweight pregnancy, i had just focussed on quitting smoking and the weight piled on , so before we could blink i got pregnant and we were obviously over joyed after having tried for 3 years previously before stopping the cancer sticks ( mmm tellin he !!) but anyway i was pretty much plagued with little niggles and problems from the start which i just put down to being pregnant, but unfortunately at nearly 30 wks pregnant i started having serious complication with swelling , headaches and bp so i was quickly admitted to hospital a few days later where they annoyed me with bp readings and urine tests at regular intervals 24 hrs a day , i got much worse and when on april 11th 2005 my legs were so badly swolen i had pitting when pressed way above my knees and my bp read 105 over 190 they rushed me through and delivered my tiny daughter issabella by c section nearly 10 weeks early, as my pre eclampsia rapidly had turned into eclampsia and my liver was failing , now what followed was the most horrific time of my life as my husband flew in 2 hours later and issa got progressively sicker and when both her little lungs collapsed they ventilated her and had tubes inserted into both her chest cavities so the leaked air would stop pushing on her lungs, she then had to be parralised to be blue lighted to the rvi in newcastle. as i said ,the most horrific thing EVER!!! now nearly 20 months later issa is a bloody monster !! like all toddlers , tempers like you wouldnt believe but as sunny as the day is long, i have to rejoice in the terrible force of her personality as i truly believe this kept her alive

now youre probably wondering why ive bored you to tears with all this , but my point actually is this !!!!
pre eclampsia is not a direct result of obesity at all but being obese means you are at a much higher risk of this and other pregnancy related illnesses, i am doing this because like you i do not want another pregnancy like my last ,i couldnt go through that hell ever again so what you need to remember when making youre decision is that you have done soooo amazingly well and will continue to do so for the best reason in the world, the best possible start for you and youre unborn baby! if you keep that as your uppermost thought in your head i think you will have all the strength you need to reach you goals whichever way you choose to go.
i really hope you feel better soon, life sucks when you feel crap , and i hope that maybey this might help quieten youre chaterbox to a dull roar so you can think straight
sorry for the whole rambling sermon (im not actually a nutter !!!) but i do get carried away allot !!!
wishing you welcome to a FANTASTIC site and all the luck in the world .