Original constipation

Yep it's another common affliction along with wind! There are variuos methods for shifting it. I'll try and bump a post up that we did a wekk or so ago, that might help.
Done that. It's called "some pooey prblems"
think its all down to your body using the fuel you eat so well that you dont produce much waste. Not a Biology headed person, just what Ive learnt over the years, but your body can go the other way too. Its all down to fiber and water as well. You might need to take a stool soferner to help you go if it continues on a regular basis, if you are happy with the amount of food your eating, or prunes, bran they sometimes help me. But I dont always want to eat more fiber so maybe a natural laxative could be the answer a couple of times a week to help...
yes yes Oh my God yes, I am suffering badly too.
I have tried drinking tons of water, All Bran, loads of fruit, I have tried cod liver oil, I have tried Aloe vera colon cleanse, and last night I took Ducolax (from GP) and still......nothing.
When all these things do eventually work, I will lose a stone in a day I reckon. lol
Have you tried very low fat natural probiotic yoghurt as the bacteria in your gut may need supplementing to aid digestion? Plenty of water and sometimes a cup of warm water when you feel like you need to go and can't may help. When you increase your fibre intake you must increase your water intake. Don't take laxatives, even natural ones, for very long otherwise your bowel becomes lazy and you are worse off than when you started.

If you are still having problems after trying all the things on here then go and see your GP or surgery nurse (they usually have more time to talk and even will answer your queries over the phone).
I did at first no matter what I ate and drank, so I bought some Dulco-ease and that helped clear me out.....I've not been so bad since then, so maybe my body (gut) has adjusted now.
Hi, I did when on SW and an increase in my water intake soon cleared it up.
Sorry but I have the other problem, I think its the packet of mini ryvitas I eat each day. Still it helps with the "body magic" when I have to leg it to the loo several times a day. :D
Hear YE Hear YE Hear Ye..... Break out the Scan Brans for the lady in the back row...... LOL!

Five a day will get you to work rest and play !!!!!!!

Phil xx
A few of the ladies at my group have been "bound" by scan bran. The consultant said you must drink lots of water with it. Thought I might buy some of the infamous scan bran at group this week and try the recipe for ginger cake.
I'm normally ok but this week I've been silted up. Nothing seems to be working.
Ive got it really bad too, ive not been for a week and i eat pretty big portions.. dunno where im storing it. Ive tried dulcolax which dr prescribed me, scan bran.. i eat fruit n veg everyday and still nothing. I also drink alot but mainly caffeine. Any ideas?
I sometimes suffer with this but I have a combo that works for me. I eat all bran for brekkie. I also drink a fair bit of water but what really helps then is a coffee. I take mine black no sugar but for me this gets things moving almost like clockwork!!
I'm usually fine, but have noticed that I often get constipated in the week before my period. If I drink plenty of water, and use olive oil for cooking as my B choice it helps a bit.
Ive got it really bad too, ive not been for a week and i eat pretty big portions.. dunno where im storing it. Ive tried dulcolax which dr prescribed me, scan bran.. i eat fruit n veg everyday and still nothing. I also drink alot but mainly caffeine. Any ideas?

Kyliejade, really think you should see a doctor today, a week cannot be good, even if you go to boots and speak to the pharmacist they can give you something. Take something stronger this time get yourself sorted ,then when clear, make sure you eat the right stuff to keep yourself regular. fingers crossed you get sorted today.
I have this issue and have found that ducolax work. Especially coupled with lots of water and fruit.

If you are having 2 ducolax and drinking water, and STILL not going i think you need some more medical advice.

Good luck - i hate the overbloated yakky feeling :( x
Best thing to do it take a table spoon if psyllium husk in a glass of water once a week it cleans you out as I have ibs this is good for me it works a treat and it's natural and doesn't harm you
Ive got it really bad too, ive not been for a week and i eat pretty big portions.. dunno where im storing it. Ive tried dulcolax which dr prescribed me, scan bran.. i eat fruit n veg everyday and still nothing. I also drink alot but mainly caffeine. Any ideas?

If you've not been for a week you need to go see your doctor. You could end up with complications if you don't.
May sound odd but eat half a bunch of grapes.... it works for me everytime, and fairly fast! lol. Hope this helps.