Costa Drinks


Full Member

I'm really confused about Syn values for Costa's Primo Soya Latte (takeaway) and Primo Soya Cappuccino (stay in). I found unofficial info that says they're both 2.5 Syns. The nutritional info on Costa's website, however, states that there are 98 calories in the latte, and 69 calories in the Cappuccino. Does the 20 calories per Syn not apply here? Does anyone know how much milk is generally used in a Primo in case I can use it as a HExa?

The only mitigating reason that they might be listed as 2.5 syns is if you are using the milk from your HEa allowance. .Otherwise I would certainly agree with you - the latte would be 5 syns & the cappu 3.5 syns. .
The only ingredients are coffee and soya milk in both of those drinks though, and coffee is free. Do you mean I need to Syn it if I use the milk as HExa? Sorry, I'm really confused!
Sorry for not being too clear. .Yes I meant that if there was only those 2 ingredients, the drink would be free as long as you used some/all of the milk from your HEa allowance.