Step 1 Sole Source Day 3..feeling miserable


Full Member
Hey folks - restarting n hoping to make it through the first week this time. Lol

I find social gatherings the worst ESP at weekends. Ill just hav to make an excuse. I can't bare people looking at me funny If I don't eat.

Quick question - how much do people usually lose in the first week. N the. Go on to lose thereafter. Im 10st 8
Hi Maryam, I've just restarted myself (on Day 6 now), I lost a lot of weight on Cambridge a while ago and know how amazing the results are if you stick to it and don't mess about too much! I was much heavier than you and lost 10lbs in the first week, I would guess at your weight around 5/6lbs. The good thing with Cambridge is that the big losses continue after the first week - I averaged at 3/4lbs after the first few weeks. It was very frustrating on other diets, where you lost 1lb one week, gained half a pound the next!

Social occasions are very hard, I used to be open about my diet but got a lot of criticism for it (it's not healthy, it's unnatural blah blah). I think now I will just say I have a dodgy tummy to avoid the annoying comments!
I think day 3/4 are the worse days..... just drink loads of water and remember this isnt a punishment somebody is doing to you....

we have all made a choice to do this diet and whilst it is really hard and sometimes not that pleasant, it works fster than most other diets, I constantly tell myself that a few months of hardship has to be better than years of feeling fat and miserable!

keep your chin up and keep drinking water!
Hi I am on week three and found this is my second time of doing this and lost 3 1/2 stone last time. I found this and last time that day 3 4 and 5 were the worst and then by day 6 I was feeling much better! I have lost 17lb in my last two weigh ins. Good luck on your weight loss journey x
Hi maryam, wondering if you're still around and how you're getting on.