Day 3 of losing weight with 2.5 stone to lose- hello Minimins :)


Silver Member
Hi all,

I am new to Minimins and have just started on a journey (I mean it this time!) to lose 2.5 stone and get back to my pre-baby weight or thereabouts. My baby is 2 and a half (same age as the number of stone I need to lose lol!) so I have made excuses for long enough. I have purchased some Exante diet products and am using the meal packs for the first 10 days or so to give me a boost start but I want to make it last and not do a lengthy crash diet just to put it all back on (I will be rubbish at maintaining without a plan!) so after my initial 10 days I am planning to do 5:2 diet using Exante meal packs on my 2 days and the other 5 normal but counting calories on MyFitnessPal App in an attempt not to go out of control with my eating! I have 3 children and a food lazy husband at home so dieting has always been something difficult for me... the cupboards are always full of junk... I refuse to buy it and do a main healthy shop but my hubby then goes off and buys a load of crisps and chocolate!! This time though I AM going to be strong. I have a plan... I'm sticking to it... (I hope!). Much encouraged by reading threads on here and on discovering the usefulness of MyFitnessPal :D

Any tips or do's and don'ts out there about my plan? I dont have time outside work to attend meetings or prepare special food you see!