Day 5 and fixated


Hello, I'm on day 5 - it's been ok really stuck to it 100% desperately trying to drink the water but apart from that it's all going well. My biggest problem is I feel like it's all I can think about, does this get easier? Does anyone else find themselves constantly thinking about food/shakes/soups?? Thanks Eah
Hi there Eah, well done for getting to day 5!! It SS get easier and it takes a while before the obsession with shakes and food diminishes. Though fir me the last two times I was successful at CWP I found myself constantly thinking about losses and shakes and justte hole SS/sS + . It kind of got me though it, and as I'm a daily weigher that makes it more iffcult nt to obsess!

It may e different for others though. Your doing well keep going! Alo have a read of a few diaries you may find that helpful.
Hi there, i'm on day 5 too although i'm not hungry all I have done today is think about food more so than yesterday. Not sure if its becuase it is sunday and I am not so busy or if its because I am still getting into it. Keep telling myself that its short term pain for long term gain but if I feel like this everyday at some point I am going to crack. Fingers crossed my weigh in on Tuesday gives me the results to carry on. Is anyone else struggling to get used to it?????
Lisa, i'm so with you on that one. I have stucked to it rigidly to but its been hard. Got my fingers crossed when I am at work tomorrow i won't have time to think about it.
Thanks, it's good to know I'm not going mental! - I woke up this morning feeling really sick - had a shake but feel like crap, first time since I've been on the plan that I've felt anything over than ok.
I hope i feel better later today because this is horrible. Hope you all have excellent days.
Hope you all have a great day. Please do read some the CD diaries. Spangles and Bettiesrevenge are two out of many that are extremely inspiring. I know it's tough, and I'm on day 14 of complete SS+ having started on 14 Dec but taken a few days off over the festive season. I have done CD successfully twice before but never followed the steps. It get much harder each time so stick with it.
Feeling a bit better now - really did feel sick this morning - drinking my water and sticking to it. I hope this is just a totm thing - Does anyone know how your TOTM effects your weight loss??
eah said:
Hello, I'm on day 5 - it's been ok really stuck to it 100% desperately trying to drink the water but apart from that it's all going well. My biggest problem is I feel like it's all I can think about, does this get easier? Does anyone else find themselves constantly thinking about food/shakes/soups?? Thanks Eah

Hi Eah!!
I had the exact same problem when I first started on this diet- it resulted in me totally losing control when I had my break for Christmas, this time around I'm totally different, I have decided not to think abt food or the diet etc. I find other things to do and try to think about other things to look forward too!! The diet is a lot harder when ur obsessing over food- it's all in the head but you can control it! Best of luck!!

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I think the weekend kind of blind sided me, all that free time to think about food!!
I'm Ok when I'm at work, just sort of get on with it - You are right of course - just need to think about something else!

