Day one -


Hello I'm Eah,
Today is day 1 for me - and I have to say I'm excited - also a little bit nervous - I really hope that I can stick to it and meet my goal - would love to meet a few people to email, I think a buddy would be awesome!
Good luck everyone
Hi Eah welcome to the minimins site

This place is packed full of information to help u on ur CD journey and there's hundreds of wonderful people kind enough to answer any questions, support and motivate you :)

First 4 days are the hardest as ur body has carb withdrawal but stick at it Hun :) x x
Hi Eah,

Good luck on your journey :)

I'm sure you will find loads of support on here, there are some lovely people!
Make yourself a diary so you can record your progress so you can see how far you've come.

I'm always about if you want to chat or need any help, just pop me a message or post on my profile or diary :)
good luck!
Glad you are enjoying the products!

Which have you tried so far?
I'm on day one too, glad you're liking the products, think thats half the battle.
Are you feeling ok? I'm suffering already :cry: