Dear Santa


Mini crazy cat lady
......for Christmas I would really like work to be quiet, for my family to not sulk with me tooooo much for not being there till the evening, and for at least a stone to somehow magically bugger off from my frame. Oh, and a pair of Irregular Choice shoes wouldn't be sniffed at.

I would also like all my friends to have a far less stressful Christmas, as for some reason, 2010 was none of their years. They've been brilliant to me this year, so they deserve it!
....for Christmas I would like my family to become closer, for my brothers and sister to all meet up and have a good night out.
For Pips mum's doctors to be wrong about the stage 5 status of her cancer, and to be able to treat her.
For my Dort not to have anymore big diagnoses next year, Epilepsy and PCOS and anxiety disorder are enough!

Just one little thing for me... Some romance from Mr Shirleen please?
