Dee's 2nd and final round!


Full Member
I am introducing myself as an "oldDukaner", meaning I have done this before.... but new here.

I was on a Dukaners forum and lost 55# in 7 months! I love the plan....made it 5 months of Consolidation, but never finished to Stabilization. I then got really sick with pneumonia this October and just allowed all foods during that recovery. So, for 2 months I have been eating things I would rather not, and have put on about 12-15 lbs. I will weigh in tomorrow and "own it", whatever it is.

So, here I go again because I really liked myself at my lower weight and more active and focused. And, clothes were fun again!!
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Thanks, mostly I am learning how to get around here right now...there is a lot here!!
Thanks, Irene. I found that and many other helpful tools! This place is loaded with tools and help. Seems to be the character of this place, too. I just hope I find enough time to keep up with it!
I did POP until getting home from work yesterday...that is always my hard time....usually, I like a glass of wine to shift gears and then I have to cook for others.

So, my plan is to find another way to make that transformation from work to home....if its still light out (ugh - deep winter darkness), I will walk. If not, I think maybe taking a bath will get me to change gears and slow down. Also, I could brew some tea, do yoga, or ride indoor bike, if I can be more disciplined. But when I get home from work, I am just weak and not interested in putting out energy.

So, the good thing about all this is that I know this is a trigger time, so I just have to 'own' it and manage it....its a life long thing, remember?

On to today....hope yours is a great one!

Down another 1/2 #.....:)
Hanging in here