Diet coke


Full Member
Is there a difference between coke zero and diet coke? As diet coke seems to be more readily available so I wondered if that was an option? X
diet coke had citric acid in which we arent allowed! :)
Thank you! Just wondered why it was different! Xx
also i think were allowed sugar free jelly! i know hartleys does loads of flavours and i know for a fact the strawberry and raspberry have no citric acid cos i checked :)
Omg! Yum! I love jelly!!! Would you replace a meal? X
So a treat every now and then? In addition to the plan? X
fairman76 said:
you can also have dr pepper zero

Awesome. How often is that? X
Dr pepper zero and coke zero are not on the plan - but if you have them you won't go out of ketosis. Sugar free jelly is also not on the plan. No idea about their relation to ketosis. I think it's important when telling people that they can have things to make it clear when it takes them off plan.
Asda own coke is fine also and Smartprice coke, equivalent to zero's
I like that this plan has a bit of freedom. So it feels a bit more normal. :). So I could have a can of coke zero at work? Lovely :) x
yes its good plan . just had the weekend off
back to it in the morning
in tesco they have dr pepper at half price (£1.67 for 6 cans ) i think the offer runs out on the 24 th april
weasey said:
Dr pepper zero and coke zero are not on the plan - but if you have them you won't go out of ketosis. Sugar free jelly is also not on the plan. No idea about their relation to ketosis. I think it's important when telling people that they can have things to make it clear when it takes them off plan.

I have to admit I'd gave coke zero but I'd never consider having jelly
Starlight said:
I have to admit I'd gave coke zero but I'd never consider having jelly

What's wrong with jelly? X
Possibly nothing I personally wouldnt have it because its not part of the plan and not approved. If Im doing my diet 100% I want to be 100% not adding things in that arent part of it. IMO - just because something is low cal/low carb and no citric acid doesnt make it part of the plan

If I started having things like Jelly Id be looking for other things and thats not what this diet is about to me. I think S&S is the most flexible of all the VLCDs as it is