Diet Excellent Relationship not so excellent


Silver Member
Anyone know how to fix a long distance relationship when the OH isnt speaking to you?!? :( Definitely not hungry now!
thanks Laura hes a really important part of this great life I've set up and I don't want it to go bad
How long distance are we talking about ? and could you let them know by text ? Just tell them how you feel , can you do that ?
like 3 and a half hours drive. he could have seen me today but kinda didnt and i pushed it too hard and now hes sick of me. I did say sorry. I think I'll try to give him some space... and maybe find a way to laugh about it somehow...
Yes , Leave him now , why do you think he didn't want to see you today ?
If he really wants you he knows where you are , even if he texts you leave it for a bit , let him think for a bit .
did you met on the net
no we met through friends I usually live close to him Im just working away for 6 months
Yeah Ill leave him be thanks guys - just gotta remember to look after myself first its so easy to loose who you are in a relationship. thats why im making sure to do all the things i had planned on doing before we met especially this diet
Just be you ...
Hope you hear something from him .
I know your upset , hope you get a good nights sleep ...
Let us know how you get on ok
I think giving him some space, maybe send a lighthearted text might be a nice idea and focus on yourself for a couple of days. Its hard enough the pressure you have with working away plus doing a difficult diet. Good luck x
Thanks darlings your so good. First time in my life I found it hard to get up for work but that's how it goes. Can't be letting my emotions get caught up in other people form. Goina be one of those weeks but at least I have my LT project to concentrate on and rowing training and work.
Things will settle down .
Not nice I know , but could go either way , have you not heard anything ?
Better to let it out rather than keep it in also helps to hear what others say on these matters , wondering if what your thinking is the right thing or not , just helps I guess , feel free to let it out
princess-of-power, INTHESUMMEROF69 Thanks so much for all your support I got a text today so maybe it will be fine we'll see :) So glad it hasnt effected my LT. Working on keeping my emotions as calm as I can these days its a little tougher this week. I'm hoping to play 2 tag rugby games tonight its my day 7 so fingers crossed have enough energy although I dont think Im actually in ketosis!
Massive hugs babe. I know how hard it is to be in a LDR and how tempting it is to badger and text all the time. Space is definitely the answer - I hope it works out ok.

As for tag rugby - eeesh I just can't do tag - I'm a full union rugby player and cannot move fast enough for tag! Have a brill time x
Really good day guys DOWN 11LBs on my first weigh in and we won at Tag rugby AND I SCORED A TRY AND I GOT MY OH BACK ON SIDE!!!!! OH YEAH bring on week 2!!
Whoooo nothing can stop you now! Nice one babe! x
Thanks doll x
FINGERS CROSSED !! Cant wait for the bank holiday weekend next weekend full 2 days together finally
Hey hun, Ive not been around much this week....Im so glad to hear things are looking VERY up for you! Well done on your 11lbs and I hope you have a lovely bank holiday with the OH!!!
