Dietninja's 90 day SSS plan

Day 23 - 24 March

Ex: fasted HIIT on spin bike

Post ex protein shake

B - quinoa porridge with raspberry, banana & honey sauce

L - tuna fish cakes with avocado and cottage cheese

T - chicken stirfry

S1 - 2 rice cakes with cottage cheese

S2 - 22g cashews

Tonight was the first night dice I started the plan where I actually felt hungry. I think it was tiredness in disguise as i was falling asleep on the sofa by 9.30pm...!

I "cheated" a little with the topping for the rice cakes by having just cottage cheese (supposed to blend it with salmon but couldn't be arsed!
I'm having my first day where I'm hungry and craving sweet stuff again.
Interesting...I am finding I'm more tired in the evenings on this plan (I think it's because I've stopped keeping myself awake with sugar and caffeine!) and this week I'm less full and slightly more nibbly than last week.

But I'm going to resist...I've never been on a diet that I've actually stuck to for 4 weeks without a cheat day!!!
Dietninja's Focus on Health (although a skinny butt would be great too!)

Wed 25th March - day 24

Rest day

Water: 2.5 litres, still struggling to drink enough during the day. That's my challenge for tomorrow!

B - tuna fish cakes & cottage cheese

L - tuna fish cakes, cottage cheese & avocado

T - beef casserole with courgetti

S1 - macadamia nuts
S2 - boiled egg

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:-( I don't get any veg with my beef casserole! It's missing that lol I know... I've been slightly naughty this week with the odd coffee and diet coke slipping into my day... Hoping it won't vastly change things though
I don't either but I didn't have veg (except avocado) with my fish cakes so I thought what harm could a courgette do!

I had two coffees today :/ bad habits creeping back! But I've stayed off the alcohol and sugar, can't be too perfect!!!

I was jealous of your Malteser bunny though...maybe as a reward when I finish cycle 1!
Interesting...I am finding I'm more tired in the evenings on this plan (I think it's because I've stopped keeping myself awake with sugar and caffeine!) and this week I'm less full and slightly more nibbly than last week.

But I'm going to resist...I've never been on a diet that I've actually stuck to for 4 weeks without a cheat day!!!

well done, sticking to a plan is what works in the long run. I agree I wish I could lol ,x
I know... I was craving it so much and the other hlf was gonna eat all of them!?! In front of me!!!
Dietninja's Focus on Health (although a skinny butt would be great too!)

Day 25 - Thurs 26th March

Ex: PM HIIT 14 x 30s hill sprints
(The new slope I found was too short! So I had to start a way back to get in 30s, and for some reason my HR just didn't get up high enough...still I got good and sweaty and out of breath!)

Water: 3 litres (still struggling with this and drinking loads in the eve to make it up, may be better next week as I'm on hol)

B - feta egg hash with spinach

L - beef casserole (left the sausage this time)

S1 Post workout protein shake

T - steak, rice & broccoli. Was scrummy but I'll have to cut down on red meat! Went overboard today!

S2 22g cashews

well done, sticking to a plan is what works in the long run. I agree I wish I could lol ,x

I hope it works, coz I'm loving it! Not seeing much change at the moment but we'll see at the end of this week!

How are you doing? Are you still following 5:2?
Day 26 fri

Plan for today:

B - feta egg hash

L - muscle mince

Then fasted HIIT (five rounds of high knees, lunge jumps and burpees)

D - out! Scrummy meal of seabass and chickpea fajita (I left the wrap), potato wedges, 1 scoop of Ferrero rocher and peanut butter icecream and one vodka and soda. So not on plan but not too bad either!
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I hope it works, coz I'm loving it! Not seeing much change at the moment but we'll see at the end of this week!

How are you doing? Are you still following 5:2?

Just realising your question, starting back tomorrow in 5:2 I so need to now. X
Day 27...can you believe it!

I've made it all the way to day 27 and the only true cheats I've had are 3 vodkas and sodas, and a small scoop of icecream. Win!

I definitely felt the difference in my fitness too.

Tonight, I redid hill sprints that I did in the first week. I jogged the uphill mile and a half to the top of the hill as a warm up (walked it in week 1) ran the hill sprints (still felt really hard but I was definitely moving faster), jogged downhill between sprints instead of walking and jogged the mile and a half back home. Feeling v smug!!!

B - my fave...Lizzis granola with Greek yoghurt and my snack of flaked almonds on top

L - nandos! But I was ultra good and had avocado & green bean salad with 2 chicken breasts

Ex: hill sprints - ran 1.5 miles, 14 x 45s sprints, jogged 1.5 miles back

T - Turkey burgers & sweet potato wedges with lots of green veg (asparagus, green beans, broccoli

Oh, I also gave myself some non food treats today...I had my eyebrows waxed, bought some new concealer and a new water bottle, and took my girlies to see the new Cinderella movie. And all I had during the movie was a black!
So excited to be on day 28!

I am planning to submit my results on Wednesday, then follow cycle 1 loosely whilst I'm away (which is going to be difficult as I'm at my mums and no real control over the meals!), then back to cycle one proper until next Fri, when I hope to start cycle 2.
Day 28 / 30

Am so excited to be this far along! I don't think I've ever gone this long on a diet without a cheat day!!!

And every day I'm seeing non scale's a few:
- much clearer skin
- much less grumpy!
- my allergies appear to be under control
- three notches in on my jeans belt and my jeans, which didn't fit me before, are baggy so I've dropped at least a dress size
- much fitter
- so much more confident! I feel sexy! And I've begun to reengage with my social life (rather than avoiding going out because I had nothing to wear
- I've completely nailed my caffeine habit (was previously having 1-2 large lattes a day and instant on top, now I have one small black Americano)

There's bound to be more but I am one v happy bunny!

So today...

Rest day
Water - will be 3 litres by the end of the day

B - low carb oatmeal

L - mushroom and mozzerella omelette with sugar snap peas

T - chicken stirfry

S 1&2 - greek yoghurt (saved from breakfast) with raspberries (s1) and almonds (s2)
Lovely to read your experiencing great changes already :D x
Thank you xx 2 days to go til I submit my cycle 1 results :) then the real test comes...a long weekend staying with my mum so I won't be in charge of cooking