doing ww, thinking of LL.....


New Member
Im currently doing WW with little success, basically as dont stay in pp daily/weekly so simple as to why struggling! However am thinking of doing LL for quick loss, however worry re weight gain after it and long term sensible eating.
Anyone else been in this dilema?
dont do it if you can help it. i did and yeah i lost weight quickly but found returning to normal eating very hard, so hard that i eventually developed a binge eating disorder as i was so scared to eat carbs and would hold off for so long then cave as your body needs the carbs to function. i have only regained a stone over 18 months but due to bad eating habits triggered by that diet i can be at the lighter or heavier side of that stone in the space of a week. also now have fluid retention issues and very thin hair off the back of it to. everyone is different but just my personal story. i am doing ww now not to lose weight(tho would be a nice bonus) but purely so i can allow myself to eat normaly and not feel guilty about having a slice of bread lol

p.s i would rather gain back the other four stone than go back on LL

good luck
There are LOADS of people on Minimins who have very successfully lost lots of weight on a VLCD and kept it off. Its a good option if you want a fast result. So long as you do it properly and do the refeed programme theres no reason why youd put weight back on, not any more so than on WW/SW or anything else.

how you lose the weight isnt the deciding factor in that, its what you do once youve lost it :)
As above - It's what you do afterwards. I got pregnant after a 6 stone weight loss and basically hadn't eaten in months so I gained all back and a bit more. It may be quick but it's bloody hard - then you have to slowly reintroduce food. I never got to that point as I wasn't finished but the truth is if your struggling to stick to WW then you may find yourself struggling without food all together.

Do you mean like a liptrim/milkshake diet? I tried this early last year and lasted 10 days. I lost a total of 12lb in 10 days and found it easy the first 2 days but gave up cos I very nearly fainted at work - I did feel very faint and not really 'with it' for a few days before giving up. It is very hard to get past day 3 when your body is craving carbs so badly. You cant drink anything other than water and black tea n coffee and can even chew chewing gum to get rid of the awful taste in your mouth. I don't know how people can do it for so long, it could have just been my experience of it though but after speaking to people on here at the time who were also doing it, they agreed they had lack of concentration. I only gained a pound or two Butty first but I was VERY concious about what i ate but did put it back on eventually. I have always been a bit of a binge eater but since then it had gotten out of control at times, and I do out weigh in quicker for example, I have recently moved and put on 8lb in a week! My doctor went mad at me at the back end of last year when I finally discussed my weigh issues with her and admitted id done this. She said all it does is cause a greater weight gain and suggested WW to me. I had a lot of people disagreeing with me doing it and I went ahead and did it anyway cos I thought I knew best and that once I'd boosted the weight loss I could keep it off but I wish id listened n not done it now x