Dolly's Daily Diary

They are aren't they you know what s more disappointing that my body, my stupid mind!

I binged again last night.
  • Time of the month
  • 2 family deaths in a week
  • My first wedding anniversary since the split coming up this month
Its all just really affecting me and I am using food to make myself feel better which in turn is making me feel worse.

Understandable, Dolly.

So, here's the thing: Stop beating yourself up.

That's a lot of sadness, anger, grief and maybe guilt for one person to handle.

So is this the right time? Are you ready to do this? If not, stop, and set yourself a date to reconsider a re-start. Decide what you will do to get into the right head space to do this or something else.

It's the right time? Then do this:

1) write a long list of all the reasons why you want to be 10 stone. I mean a really long list. Like 100 reasons. Get started and just write. Add to them over the rest of this week. Don't worry about writing something twice. Just add to your list.

2) Review that list and anything that "away from" or in the negative, reverse to what you would like. eg I hate struggling upstairs or I don't want to get fatter (or wear size X clothes) become I love being able to run up and downstairs effortlessly, I am happy being slim, being fit or being a lithe size 10. Read and re-read your list when you are finding it tough.

3)Start journalling. Buy a beautiful book on amazon. Write about how you feel. Just get it out. Some days you could write a lot. Others - just a few lines. Always daily write 3 things you are grateful for. They might be big things or something small - a good cup of tea on a crappy day. If you like apps, consider the 5 minute journal. It only takes 5 minutes a day to journal.

4) Reconnect with friend or family that love you.

5) Next week, write a long list of things you will do instead of bingeing - mine includes have a long bath, paint my nails, call my friend, take the dog out, drink some coffee with erythitol (I normally drink it without sweetener), go to the library, unstack the dishwasher, write my journal, go for a swim, this time of year cut some roses for the house or make some lavender wands and much more. Get it out and pick one when you feel like deviating from yr plan. And anything you can into your day to be kind to yourself. For me that included having a really really nice mug at work, and having a nice glass jug for my water, ditching some tatty handbags and having a new one from TK Maxx.

6) Any systems help you? I lived (and sometimes still do) in chaos. So Unf*ck Your Habitat, FlyLady & Getting Things Done are really helpful. There are also lots of podcats - I avoid anything done by a natural born organiser - as they don't understand why someone might be disorganised. I'm not lazy - I didn't learn systems when young, and my brain isn't made that way. My kitchen is always clean and tidy now - thanks, FlyLady. Amaaaazing. Bedroom= still a work in progress [slinks off to tidy up, hoover and change the bed]!

7) Think about getting some counselling or CBT to process what has happened, understand how not to sabotage yourself and get resolved so you can live well.

I'm sure others have wise ideas too. Have courage.

I think you ve given yourself one large target ie 10st. What about this month is all about a 1/2 stone loss target.
Agree 100% with Ali. Don’t try beat yourself up as you say there is a lot of things to trigger you off at the moment. Is a vlcd right for you just now? It’s a lot to commit to and expensive if you’re not in the right frame of mind. Restart restart won’t be helping your self esteem any and you really don’t deserve a hard time. Have a good think about it. What ever you think is the right thing for you

So today has been a good day so far, got myself a notebook and will be doodling in there anytime I feel the urge to have a mad binge.

I am just packing up in work will be heading home at 6.30pm.

Hope to have my healthy dinner a cup of tea then I'm gonna watch some Greys Anatomy then bed!

Super tired this week as it is that TOM.
