drinking water and weight loss???


Full Member
how does drinking water play apart in the weight loss??? the more water i drink the better the weight loss?? im not sure if that right, im not keen on water so just wanted to know if i have to start liking it lol
kirstyjade said:
how does drinking water play apart in the weight loss??? the more water i drink the better the weight loss?? im not sure if that right, im not keen on water so just wanted to know if i have to start liking it lol

Hello. 5months ago - I also hated water. I now drink 3-4litres a day.
For me, my losses are significantly higher when I drink more water. Also I feel much better - have more energy, and less faintness and headaches.
You must drink 2litres a day - otherwise you may start to feel ill.

I have been told the water is important for several reasons:
- when in ketosis your body produces ketones. Your body sees these as poisonous. High water intake flushes them out of your body. If you allow them to build up, your body thinks its under attack and will cling on to all its energy reserves (fat) in case it has to fight it off. Your weightloss will then slow down.
- drinking water regularly means your body will reduce the water it holds
- if you're full of water, you'll feel less hungry
- good for your hair/skin

I really had to concentrate to start with. I had checklists and phone and calendar reminders. Its much more natural to me now.
Good luck!
I drink about 2.75 litres a day plus plenty of teas and coffees. I don't believe in 'the more your drink the more your shrink' for everyone - I've done the diet several times and the weight losses depend more on gentle exercise than they do the water. But you must drink the recommended minimum or you may find you are cramping up at night.