Eating but not loosing

tnx girls and shirleen like your menu
ok, so i tried to cut back to 1 yogurt and to eat even more fruit and vegetables , result:
major binges
8 mullers
4 alpen light bars
double lot of magic pancakes

cannot stop thinking of food
right now am sick to death of fruit and veg.

So far today ate magic pancakes (2 eggs,35g porridge 1 muller)
1 fibre plus bar
2 scanbran.

I can't help but think WHY cutting out a few mullers & increasing your fruit & veg intake resulted in this binge?

Also - you really need to get oyur head round this - wheat is not very filling compared to its calorie content. Thats probably why you are eating so much. STOP eating more than your allowance of Heathly Extra B's. You've eaten 2.5 hebs already today. START eating free foods. Have some cooked meat, or some potatoes or something else which will fill you up, and don't dismiss fruit & veg as snacking foods

And I'm really sorry if this sounds harsh, but there is no way that somone of your size needs all that food. You are just eating for the sake of it - you are in fact lucky you aren't gaining weight given how much you seem to be eating

Above all - decide how much you want to loose weight - if your head is in the game then your body will follow suit.
kingleds said:
I can't help but think WHY cutting out a few mullers & increasing your fruit & veg intake resulted in this binge?

Also - you really need to get oyur head round this - wheat is not very filling compared to its calorie content. Thats probably why you are eating so much. STOP eating more than your allowance of Heathly Extra B's. You've eaten 2.5 hebs already today. START eating free foods. Have some cooked meat, or some potatoes or something else which will fill you up, and don't dismiss fruit & veg as snacking foods

And I'm really sorry if this sounds harsh, but there is no way that somone of your size needs all that food. You are just eating for the sake of it - you are in fact lucky you aren't gaining weight given how much you seem to be eating

Above all - decide how much you want to loose weight - if your head is in the game then your body will follow suit.

I agree with Kingleds. I personally couldn't eat that much food and I'm twice your size. I think there's an emotional reason behind this binge or I'm a Dutchman! That's what you need to deal with!
Also how can you afford all those Mullers in one day every day?
Stop buying them.

Before you started SW were you eating lots of sweets? In wondering if some of this is comedown from sugar, you'd be better off going cold turkey.
I can kind of understand the muller cravings. When I started following SW I could have ate half a dozen of them a day easily just craving something sweet & well they were free so I thought why not. However I had A LOT of weight to lose & was lucky this didnt impact on my weight loss at the time. Now if I have anymore than 2 a day I wont lose a bean unfortunately. What really did help me with the sweet cravings I had was having a diet coke. Again not ideal & I would be the first to admit that I drunk far too much of it but at that stage it got me through. Again my weight has plateaued & this week I have cut it out completely in a bid to get the scales moving replacing it with NAS squash which is keeping me better hydrated to start with. Might be worth a try to see if that helps.. or at least reach for a glass of something to drink before reaching for food as the body often mistakes thirst for hunger.
I could easily eat 8 mullers, to be honest - I don't find them at all filling. They're so watery! That's why I don't eat them that often - for me they're pretty much wasted calories, apart from the yummy taste, as I feel just as full having an apple as I do having an apple and a muller.

Memubo - I think one way of tackling this would be to just not have any mullers in the house! After all, you can only eat 8 if you have 8 in the fridge. Take another look at your main meals, though - are you eating enough protein and carbs? Have a little extra meat and rice, for example, to make sure you're full up and this should help you snack less during the day and less prone to binges.
I agree with you all, i eat way too much and always have done, its only in the last few years that my weight started to increase.
At the moment buy 6 pk muller and get another free. Not buying any more.
Didnt eat sweets before sw but ate custard, rice pudding, ben&jerrys and greek yogurt big time.

Really fed up today, need to get my head into proper eating.
I agree with you all, i eat way too much and always have done, its only in the last few years that my weight started to increase.
At the moment buy 6 pk muller and get another free. Not buying any more.
Didnt eat sweets before sw but ate custard, rice pudding, ben&jerrys and greek yogurt big time.

Really fed up today, need to get my head into proper eating.

You will get your head into it. Believe me we've all been there. Lets face it, you don't get to the point where you need to join a slimming group by eating healthy & exercising. My particular kryptonite was takeaways & chocolate. I would easily eat a takeaway 3-4 times a week, and I could never choose which chooclate bar I wanted, so I'd have them all.

You do however need to stop focusing on what you can't have & focus on what you can if you ever have a hope of making this work long term.

& BTW- you can still have all the things you mentioned above- just in moderation. This means not all at the same time for one thing, and generally not more than 1 in a day! So have some Ben & Jerrys- just syn it. You can have one of the mini tubs with your syns. Have some rice pudding - just not quite as much of it - in fact, buy some rather than make it and use some syns on it. It will help with your portion control. Same with custard - have it over a chopped up banana as your desert.

And greek yogurt - Total 0% is free. Eat that instead of mullers -its got no sweeteners in it so it isn't as bad calories, or preservatives wise. Have it with some berries and a meringue (2.5 syns each)

Loads of ways to stay on plan :)
For me the secret of not eating something is not buying it in the first place. "Buy one get one free", "three for two", etc. etc., are just ploys to get us to buy more - and then guess what, we eat more! It's a big con.

I bought one special yogurt (it's about five syns) in the supermarket today. It was "cheaper" if you bought five, but then I would have eaten five. Maybe not all at once, but it probably wouldn't have taken me long!
Sometimes i have binged on alot of food i dont actually want....just because what i do actualy want i feel i cant have, or i dont have in the house! I have been craving chocolate and opened crisps, biscuites, sausage rolls, yogurts etc etc trying to satisfy the craving!!! I find its MUCH better to have a little bit of exactly what you fancy, syn it and enjoy it!
I also eat out of bordem....but now find that going for a walk or doing some jobs round the house will keep me distracted!
Bigger meals are also a must for me. I have a huge appetite and always have a gigantic plate of food! I usualy have 2 main meals a day, light lunches DO NOT fill me up! I have banned myself from snacking...I just dont need to snack after a filling lunch or tea! Also veg is really filling, i have at least 5 different vegies at each meal, keeps it interesting too :)
I have also swapped muller for total 2% yogurt, its so creamy and actually a bit sickly if you eat too much! I mix it with honey and banana.....absolutely yummy and filling! Ok its a few syns and not free like mullers, but it also stops me from having too much as i dont want to waste syns! :)
Just a few ideas..... Its really hard when you are struggling but you just have to really listen to your body, and think hard about what you want to eat and what is going to fill you up and satisfy your taste buds :)