Step 1 Sole Source Emotional Wreck..


Full Member
Just ending day 4 and thoughts had been doing well..

But I have been crying most of the night.. I feel terrible and hate that I can't just be 'normal' I'm so hungry but haven't cheated..

The thought of tomorrow is not fun!
This is not an easy diet at all, you are not alone feeling this way, but there really is light at the end of the tunnel, the first week or two are really hard but it does get easier your emotions settle and you will feel better your first weigh in will help enormously, if you stay 100% then you will have a good loss and it will spur you on :), I have done 5 weeks and list a total of 30lb and that cheers me up no end, just think how great you will feel once your weight comes off, it's a short term diet with fabulous results :) stay strong you can do it!!!! :)
So sorry you are feeling low, but yes I must admit I felt like this too around the same time as you. I even posted something to that effect if you want to do a search. I'm on week 13 now, and although I must admit I have introduced a little food now, Im still 99% sticking to plan, losing weight still, but very slowly. You get through the low days very quickly, and lin123 is correct when she says the scales will spur you on. It is very difficult, it can be hell sometimes, but push through it, and you will be chuffed with the results. Keep going, wipe your eyes, and have a shake, and some water, todays another day. x
Thanks :) feeling MUCH better today and didn't cheat.. Hopefully that's the worst of it over x

Really appreciate the support it means a lot knowing people understand as its hard for those not on diet to grasp it x