Exercise before WI?


Fridge Dodging
Hi just wondering if i did my exercise dvd before my WI would it matter? Could it make me gain weight. lol. This sounds like a really stupid question i know. lol. I'm just unsure.
hmmm it may make u gain some water weight because you're sweating and thus the osmorality in your blood becomes more nagative and retains all the water it can to prevent dehydration..... this goes after about 6 hours providing you drink more water.
You would weigh in lighter assuming you didn't re-hydrate after the workout. What you are doing would be "cutting weight" it's done by alot of professional fighters.

Basically the fighters have to be at a certain weight to fight and they are weighed in the day before the night of the fight. They wear sweat suits and go into saunas on an excercise bike or similar and sweat like mad, then they get weighed in and re-hydrate them selves for the night of the fight. Doing this means they can be as big as possible but in a lighter weight class than their natural weight, people fighting in a 205lb division who weigh 230lb normally for instance.
Thanks every so much that was really helpful x I have my weigh in at 6 so im not sure I have time to do it now and get a shower and feed the kids. lol. It was just a thought because I'm stressing about my WI. I also think that doing it would be cheating a bit too cos I would only be gaining the weight again when I re-hydrate when I get home right?
Well my argument would be that you're weigh in would be heavier due to water retention from exercise because you're body when you over heat and sweat from exercise tries to conserve water in other areas. So once re-hydrated you would actually lose the water weight you gained from the exercise as the plasma water levels in your body would be balanced again. because to reduce water rentention you need to drink more water, seem silly, but its all science :)
so in summary i think if you did exercise before your weigh in, you would actually have a heavier weigh in.
yes you would because you're over heating and sweating so your bodys corrective mechanism of water conservation goes into play to prevent dehydration. This happens by the water potential in the plasma being reduced so more metabolic water is reabsorbed into the body to prevent dehydration.You dont need to consume water for it to be in the body. Water is synthesised in the body too.
Yes, but what I'm saying is that the water potential in the plasma is already there, you haven't consumed anything to get that extra water your body is demanding so how can you gain weight?
Water potential is the osmorality of water, not the amount of water thats there. You dont NEED to consume water to gain weight, your body produces water and stores it to prevent dehydration during exercise.It does this to prevent cells and such things from effectively drying up and not working.
I don't think you'd weigh more either, as its true boxers do exercise and run miles before a weigh in to actually make the weight.
Anyway lots of luck at weigh in Cup x
it doesnt it happens as soon as u break a sweat. either way she doesnt have time to do it lol
Hope wi went well hon. And no it wouldn't have been cheating lol, we all do what we can on wi day to get food news :)

Jonny, agreed. I have read loads of times that to be sure you drink enough during excerise, you can weigh yourself before and after workout. If you weigh less after, you aren't drinking enough apparently.
Thanks everyone for the advice and sorry it caused a bit of conflict but I think I will just start doing it in the mornings 3 times a week. That on its own should help as I do 0 exercise at the miniute (unless walking counts. lol)

Purple I had a great week. At my weigh in yesterday I had lost 7lb!!!! lol. I was thrilled.
I have really enjoyed this thread and have learnt something new so thank you all, will keep the water flowing whilst I exercise.
Slightly late I know however, I asked my personal trainer this question sometime ago and she said not to do exercise that include weight bearing exercises the day of weigh in as muscles expand and therefore you may weigh heavier. However, a couple of weeks before Xmas I did 1 hour of just cardio the morning of my weigh in (WI is at night) and I had lost 2 1/2 lbs when I was only expecting 2lbs. I guess its a personal choice real and I would also suggest being consistent on weigh in day in terms of what you do and what you eat then the results you see at weigh in will be "real" if that makes sense. Good luck in any case.