Extra Easy Extra easy - dont like salad!

LisaC said:
I was going to say this too but was too scared, there seems to be a lot who don't like veg. I only find it strange as the variety is huge & there's plenty of ways of making it taste good. I'm sure none of us tried every vegetable going so there's bound to be something!

Not for some of us. I just can't eat any vegetables and believe me I think I've tried everything. I see friends tucking into gorgeous looking salads and wish I could eat them but I can't. It's a real pain if I'm somewhere with a salad bar

Whether it's raw cooked or whatever I just can't eat them :(
Starlight said:
Not for some of us. I just can't eat any vegetables and believe me I think I've tried everything. I see friends tucking into gorgeous looking salads and wish I could eat them but I can't. It's a real pain if I'm somewhere with a salad bar

Whether it's raw cooked or whatever I just can't eat them :(

I'm genuinely gutted for you Starlight. I can't imagine not being able to eat these things!
:sigh::sigh::sigh:OMG cant believe there is someone out there just like me!!!! I thought I was the only person struggling with veg and salad, never liked salad, makes me heave looking at one heavily laden with coleslaw or mayo! Veg I will eat, but only carrots,mushrooms,onions,tomatoes. And I dont like them mixed! I never visit salad bars, so when the menu says, "unlimited visits to the salad bar" it really doesnt interest me. Soooooo with S W I have lost 2.5stone on red and green plans, I have had the very occasionaly ee day, when I have one I eat loads of fruit before my meal. Love love love fruit, but salad, yuck, and veg well not really. One mans meat and all that, if you love salad it makes life a lot easier! Starlight, I so know where you are coming from
Not for some of us. I just can't eat any vegetables and believe me I think I've tried everything. I see friends tucking into gorgeous looking salads and wish I could eat them but I can't. It's a real pain if I'm somewhere with a salad bar

Whether it's raw cooked or whatever I just can't eat them :(

Sorry to be nosy Starlight, but do you just not like the taste or did you have a bad experience?

I can't bring myself to eat beans. I forced some down once to appease a nagging friend, admitted that they didn't taste that bad and then spent the rest of the day wretching- I couldn't stand the thought of them being inside me :cry:
To be honest Im not sure why its a problem. I hate the texture of all salad/veg, it actually makes me gag if I eat it. Im not one of these people who just insists 'dont like it' end of story. I do periodically try different things HOPING against hope that things will have changed but it never does. I would actually be sick if I had to eat anything.

My mums a huge salad lover and Im forever looking longingly at her plate thinking that looks just amazing but even trying to pick something off her plate makes me bolk :cry:

I dont know what it is with friends who think if you just eat something youll automatically love it :rolleyes:

Im the opposite to you - I love beans lol My wee granny used to get upset, shed make a lovely dinner and everyone would have loads of veggies and Id have beans
When I first started SW years ago having foods to eat other than salads and veg was the biggest appeal to me and I mainly did red/green days. Recently my tastes seem to have changed and I'm enjoying Extra Easy. I was only joking the other day that my mother would not believe me sitting by choice with a plate of salad. the amount of time I spent staring at veg sat at the table after everyone had left when I was younger! lol
It's weird, isn't it? It's the texture of beans that does me in so I know how you feel about salad! I can't hold a tin, cook them for someone else or wash a pan or plate that they have been on even if it's been rinsed. I have a seperate pan that is a different from my others and I make OH cook them in that- I have been known to throw away pans that they have been cooked in :eek:

I was watching that BBC programme "Freaky Eaters" and there was a guy who couldn't stand to be in the same room as veg. They started off making him hold a spring onion for 5 minutes a day, then twice a day, then for 10 mins etc etc...At the end of the programme he was eating them! That wouldn't work with me and beans.
Hi I rejoined slimming world this week and have a long way to go but im in it for the long haul..I was advised to do extra easy for the first few weeks until I get my head round it..working out ok im loving veg eat tons of it.. hope you dont mind me crashing..my weigh in day is tuesday so wil let ykou know how th e first week went..
I was watching that BBC programme "Freaky Eaters" and there was a guy who couldn't stand to be in the same room as veg. They started off making him hold a spring onion for 5 minutes a day, then twice a day, then for 10 mins etc etc...At the end of the programme he was eating them! That wouldn't work with me and beans.

Not really sure why, but the idea of this just cracked me up.... 'What's Eric doing?' 'Oh nothing much, he's just holding a spring onion!' :D :D :D
Not really sure why, but the idea of this just cracked me up.... 'What's Eric doing?' 'Oh nothing much, he's just holding a spring onion!' :D :D :D

Well that's exactly what it was like!! he couldn't focus on anything whilst holding it so he would have to stand in the kitchen for 5 mins at a time just holding the onion!! It was a bit crackers, but it worked (probably because they'd drugged him) :confused:
It's weird, isn't it? It's the texture of beans that does me in so I know how you feel about salad!

God, Beans are vile. It's definitely the texture that's the most awful thing, they used to remind me slightly of chalk when I was younger. I wish I liked Beans too though, as they go with lots of things and are Speedy!
God, Beans are vile. It's definitely the texture that's the most awful thing, they used to remind me slightly of chalk when I was younger. I wish I liked Beans too though, as they go with lots of things and are Speedy!

I was dead brave once and made a sausage and bean casserole. Didn't eat it like, but I made it.
I was dead brave once and made a sausage and bean casserole. Didn't eat it like, but I made it.

LMAO. Yack. Couldn't think of anything more disgusting. I can just about stand to heat them up for OH, but I do actually gag slightly at the thought of eating them.
Re beans, your responses are making me chuckle! I'm halfway in the middle, hate the look and smell and idea if them but when they are on my plate, I do like them! Then the next day I'll go back to not liking them again... Nowt so queer as folk!
Thanks for all your replies everyone - didn't know what a can of worms (or beans lol) I'd opened! I shall certainly try and take it all on board - am trying to think of creative ways with the veg I do like - am sure I'll get there in the end!

Helen xx