Face flex thingy

Hi Everyone,
I have seena gadget in Rosemary conley magazine for a facial excerise gadget...

It is in her own range,....

Was wondering iof anyone has got one and
1. do you use it?
2. does it work?

I have ntoiced that in her advert it says great for the 50+ but I am getting quite saggy around my face (attractive huh?)

And thought this might be the answer especially as doing the cambridge diet I intend to be losing fat quite rapidly and my face always loses weight first...

Hi Anne

The best thing to do (for free) for firming up your face is:

  • Stand in front of a mirror (until you pefect it)
  • Say your vowels, but really exaggerate them.
  • A - really stretch your mouth wide like you're at the dentist :)
  • E - like you're smiling the biggest smile ever.
  • I - drop your jaw down low and bring up slowly.
  • O - form the tiniest little circle with your lips.
  • U - purse your lips and push them out.
You will look like a wally, but do A,E,I,O,U 10 times slowly. Then push your tongue up to the roof of your mouth 10 times. Do these exercises morning, noon and night and you will start to see results pretty quickly. Each of the vowels tightens a different facial muscle. The tongue thrusting :)p) firms up a double chin.

Good luck.

Frumpster x
I have a facial flex thingy, I bought it when I looked in the mirror and noticed the sides of my mouth were drooping and it all looked saggy and tired. I have used it for around 4 months and althought it took about a month to show any results I wouldn't be without it now.

Everyone says how much younger I look (like I've had a facelift) and they don't know why. I can really notice a difference to the jawline etc.all the sagginess has gone and looks much firmer and younger and even the double chin and the bagginess around my eyes have gone.

I would recommend it to anyone, it is natural and when you think about it, it has to work as you are exercising all the muscles in the face and that in itself increases the blood flow making skin tone etc better. It is better than exercising the face alone as there is a resistance and as you get used to the exercise you can use more resistance. After a work out you can feel your whole face tingling.

I know it is expensive but worth every penny (by the way I'm not working for Rosemary Conley but just wanted to let you know it really works):)