First weigh in.......!!


Full Member
Well folks this is it! Off for first weigh in!

Don't think it'll be a true representation of what I have lost because I got weighed at the chemist then had the jubliee weekend of parties etc before I started the diet! For some reason I didn't weigh myself before I actually started but hey ho...

Have decided to get another weeks worth of LT and see how I go, would like to last another week before refeed but just gonna take each day as it comes!
Can't wait to hear how you get on :) good luck xx
Lost 8.6lb!! (which is in 6 days cos I didn't start till last Thursday) Reckon I've probably lost about 10lb in total which is brilliant.
I've never been one of those people that loses loads in their first week on a diet so I'm well impressed! Got another weeks worth of stuff, gonna really stop whinging about it and get on with it - it is a tiny bit of time out of my life and I'm sick of being a butterball! Think positive thoughts and thanks everyone for your support and encouragment
Also just bought that 50 shades of grey (the housewife's porn apparently) so that might take my mind off food for a while!!
Well done. My first weigh in tomorrow so nervous about it. Let me know how you get on with the book
That's fab Sally, enjoy the book ;)
Woohoo Sally ! Well done ! :)
Thanks everyone!! Just tried a flap jack (not what I would label it!!) and by crikey they take some eating!!! Bork...
It was nice to chew something but not loving the sweet/savoury/oxo cube flavour!
Well done with your weight loss Sally. I just read your other thread about "is it worth it" and the answer after your 1st weigh in must be " HELL YEAH, SO WORTH IT" :D

I am so pleased for you ;)
Great start, congrats