fresh fruit smoothies - please explain!!


Full Member
i am struggling to get my head around the fact that fruit smoothies carry syns.

i have been making smoothies consisting of a banana, strawberries and milk as hexa. this is ultra healthy but in terms of sw is not! i can understand why cooked fruits are synned but not eating them as a smoothie.

can someone please explain?
The theory behind it is that if you have fruit juiced or pureed, you are likely to eat more of it than if you ate it whole. Also, as a drink it would be less filling than the whole fruit.
But to be fair i find a smoothy very filling if i use 1 banana, handful of strawberries and milk from allowance over ice! For breakfast its very satisfying, moreso than if i ate a banana and strawberries on their own!!
Love the diagram and it makes sense. Your body would take longer to digest fruit. I bought a smoothie maker 7 years ago and think I've used it 3 times. Many because its so much effort to clean up.:D Nothing can beat fresh strawberries and never liked them much in a smoothie.