Friday weighers

So I'm going to finally face the music on friday after having 2 weeks off weighing in. Not sure I'll have a loss but really hoping I don't have a gain! Need to get my head back in it so I can try lose at least 4-5lbs by Xmas! Xx
Aw, what's up hun? Is it the dreary weather or just can't get into it? Don't despair xx

I need to stop daily weighings. I've really cut out alcohol which is my achilies heel. Even didn't drink at a big party on Saturday. Also been at gym for 6 days in a row. Scales showed a small drop Saturday morning but now back to where I was. So feel a bit like what's the point. I really wanted to lose a lb a week before Xmas and these 1st 2 wks were my starting blocks and I feel like I've failed already. Just feeling sorry for myself, it's hard.
Thanks so much for your support, it's so important that someone understands how I'm feeling
I need to stop daily weighings. I've really cut out alcohol which is my achilies heel. Even didn't drink at a big party on Saturday. Also been at gym for 6 days in a row. Scales showed a small drop Saturday morning but now back to where I was. So feel a bit like what's the point. I really wanted to lose a lb a week before Xmas and these 1st 2 wks were my starting blocks and I feel like I've failed already. Just feeling sorry for myself, it's hard. Thanks so much for your support, it's so important that someone understands how I'm feeling

I think it's good that you recognise that weighing every day can be really counter productive - especially if they're not moving in the right direction. Maybe you could not weigh tomorrow morning?

Upping your exercise WILL effect the scales, especially if you're not scheduling in rest days. Your muscles are holding on to water to repair themselves. You're doing all the right things so don't get too hung up on what the scales say - they may not budge for a couple of weeks but they WILL drop and you will get to where you want to be.

When I get like this I consider the alternative. If I come off plan I WILL gain weight. I have proven this to myself over and over again. If I stay on plan, even when the scales aren't budging, I WILL lose weight and more importantly inches and dress sizes.

Do you take measurements?

Take heart. Stop putting yourself under so much pressure to reach your goals and try and enjoy the journey.
Sally has said exactly what I would have done, especially re weighing. It is hard to begin with, I used to weigh morning AND evening and sometimes in between at one point but it really does affect how your day pans out. If the scales showed a loss, even a tiny one, it would make me a bit complacent and maybe tiny bites of this and that might not get counted, or more likely, portions sizes of free foods would be just a little larger and superspeed foods a little less. Obviously that makes a difference, it might not seem it at the time, easy to convince yourself there was no harm but it could be enough to make a loss into a STS, or even a gain, which is very disheartening.
By not weighing from one Friday to the next, I don't know what is happening so I'm far more likely to be 'extra' good, just in case, if you see what I mean. It is so much better, yes, it took a while to get used to and sometimes I'm still tempted to go and retrieve the scales from the cupboard just to check but I've resisted and am slowly getting used to it.

Try it tomorrow.... and then next week, see if you can at least go for longer stretches and after a while, you'll find its not bothering you. My other suggestion is to keep a big glass of water by your bed (or a bottle) and first thing, drink some, before you even get up to go to the loo, then tell yourself that its not worth weighing as that glassful will have made you weigh heavier. It works for me and of course, extra fluid is always a good thing.

Good luck with it and I'm sure your work in the gym and on food, WILL pay off, it has to! xx
Thank you so much Sally and Cloudy, it means so much to me to have your support. I have been doing exactly what you said Cloudy, weighing mornings and after work and it really affects my mood. I didn't use to weigh everyday so I'm going to try to stop, one day at a time lol
I normally gym 5 times a week sometimes 6 but I admit I feel really tired and a bit achy today, I've been mixing it up and trying new things so that might be it Sally. I have lost quite a few inches since I started measuring and I've had to give away loads of clothes as they were far too big. Maybe I just need to stop beating myself up and accept that it's taking longer than I want it to. I don't think all this stress is helping
Thank you again xx
One day at a time is how I am doing it hun, moving the scales to somewhere that it takes a while to get them from helps too. In my case, in a cupboard in the other bathroom, that has carpet on the floor, so I'd have to go dig them out from behind the spare loo rolls, then carry them to our ensuite, which has a hard floor, all of which takes more than a minute. It's working.

I'm positive you'll lose weight AND tone up if you stick with it, it does just get so frustrating when you can't see it happening on the scales, so taking away the constant reminder helps. Be string hun. Duh, strong! ;)
Good luck everyone ☺
(I am string ) xx
1lb on for me but I'm okay with it. Today is the start of a new week and I'm going to stay off the scales (husband is hiding them lol)
Well I wouldn't recommend the worrying yourself sick diet but it seems to have worked for me this week, 1.5lb off

Hopefully it will soon be followed by a can relax now loss as well hun. Hugs xx