General public perceptions?


Full Member
When you're not really trying to lose weight, have you ever just been more socially conscious of how you're holding yourself, of how other people on the bus or in the town centre, or in the bank, see you and what they're thinking about you. But then when you start down the path to weight loss, and feeling better about yourself, you just don't seem to care? Because you know you're losing the weight, and whatever they think now, won't be relevant in a week, or a month, or 6 months.... so you slouch that little bit more when you're sat down, or you breathe more normally...

or is that just me? haha
I think you're right. You know that you're doing something about it. You're doing something very positive.
Yeah Exactly! :) I was sat on the bus and i just realised that i didn't care, and i sat back in my seat haha
Yeah Exactly! :) I was sat on the bus and i just realised that i didn't care, and i sat back in my seat haha

I know this is a bit of an old thread but this is so true, when you start being healthy, no matter if you are losing or not, it gives you more confidence.

I think if you are over weight, people tend to "slouch" as they don't want to be noticed so much, As you loose the weight your confidence grows and you walk taller shoulders back, because you have more confidence, Then people respect you because you have that air of confidence about you!!
Sounds strange maybe, but before I lost my weight I would never have dream't of helping out in group, or if someone told me i be talking to people giving them tips, to a very large group with all eyes on me, I would have told you to get out of the room!! :) x
I agree - I am still worried about how I look and how people percieve me - but at the same time I am thinking let them - they wont see me ever again, and if they do they wont be seeing so much of me
Totally agree with you x
I am a fairly loud,fairly confident person, but ballooning to my size has made my confidence shrink.... and no one seems to notice that you are a real person, with feelings.. They just see fat, and thats it.. its not nice, but I am here to show them, theres more to me than fat!...Theres bones too, (in there somewhere).. x
I had the same problems with confidence, but I think if you act confident even if you don't feel it you come across a confident person..... Hope it makes sense lol x
Well, even tho I have just started my journey I do feel the tiny bit of weight I have lost has already made me walk taller..and I know this confidence will grow as i shrink!... xxxx