Getting more aggressive as I go on Atkins


Silver Member
Hi all,

wondering if someone can help shed light a little?

I'm on induction mostly and have been for just over a month, I don't have much to lose so have been adding owl idea to some days.

what I have noticed this past week is I am becoming more and more aggressive and it's not like me. I mean I can hold my own and I'm usually quite strong willed etc but lately I have been so snappy, actually growling with anger and feeling irritable. I must look like a beast at times. I have pcos too and not sure if this may be effecting me on this diet?

i did in the start feel amazing after ridding my body of cravings, I got the energy and happiness but now I'm finding myself feel quite down alongside this. I find I am antsy until I get on my treadmill and its like I am becoming obsessed with using it to relieve some sort of built up aggression which sometimes makes me feel like I want to explode.

anyone else suffer this way or have any idea what I could maybe do to resolve this? I don't want to go on medication from the doctor.

thanks in advance,
Hi Goldilukes

Whilst I don't get angry on the Atkins as such, I often find myself feeling more depressed than normal - did a bit of reading and think its probably down to the reduction of setotonin (one of the happy hormones) enhancing foods in my diet. Sugary and starchy foods are good for giving that high, no matter how temporary.

I'm managing this by doing more exercise (which boosts the feel-good stuff) and letting myself have bits of fruit sometimes, which as you are in OWL shouldn't be a problem. If I don't do this than a sugar-binge is almost inevitable and I know this leads to me feeling worse than ever!

I don't know if its the same thing but it might be related- after all, all the research shows that it's hormones which control our weight in our body- and the Atkins diet specifically aims to alter the production and release mechanism of these hormones- so some mood changes are inevitable I think. Sounds like with your increased exercise your body is already letting you know what it needs to top up those happy hormones and endorphins. Best of luck with feeling better!
Can't help much I'm afraid - not experienced it myself, but know of other people who have, so you're not alone on that. Also wanted to say that from what I can remember from reading up on it a few years ago, Atkins and low carb in general were said to be very helpful with the symptoms of PCOS. I had fibroids, endometriosis etc, so I remember reading a lot about that general area!
Thanks so much both of you for replying. Hatti, your right it's probably my body looking for that serotonin hit and dragging me on the treadmill. Must admit I feel miles better after a good workout. I've been reading up on cortisol and insulin resistance and I'm fairly sure I am suffering with too much but will stick at this diet because I know going back to quick drug hits from carbs and sugar made me in a worse state.
Moonwatcher, did your symptoms persist or resolve a little along the way?
Moonwatcher, did your symptoms persist or resolve a little along the way?

Well I didn't actually have PCOS - in fact it was about the only womb related issue I didn't have! So to be honest, nothing really made much difference to my symptoms, except painkillers and yoga, but I remember reading that there were often strong links between suffering with PCOS and insulin resistance, and that low carb was helpful for both.
Well I didn't actually have PCOS - in fact it was about the only womb related issue I didn't have! So to be honest, nothing really made much difference to my symptoms, except painkillers and yoga, but I remember reading that there were often strong links between suffering with PCOS and insulin resistance, and that low carb was helpful for both.

Yes I'd heard that too. Fibroids and endometriosis I've heard can be damn painful. Like giving birth feelings each time you have a period. Horrible, bless you. As if women don't have enough to deal with.