
Of course! As long as you have burned off more calories than you are replacing! But it is purely a personal choice. I stick to the same amount of daily calories, regardless of how many I have burned off running, riding and poo-picking my horses' field. I just think that the more I have burned off, the quicker the weight will come off. But life without treats is boring and you may find that you indulge and then feel like you have wasted all that effort. You won't know unless you try though....
thank you :) I'm maintaining my weight as I have lost what I wanted to loose I'm just paranoid about gaining it all back on ! but I miss cake !!
Well have cake.... but then eat less the next day to balance out the extra. Maybe allow yourself cake one day a week, say - a Saturday and ONLY on a Saturday. So you have something to look forward to all week, but it won't cause the weight to pile back on because you still have six days to be good.
that's a good IDEa ! but if I'm going to the gym 3 to 4 times a week burning 400 - 600 calories a section would I be ok having a small treat every day ? baring in mind I'm maintaining my weight ? I know I sound completely obsessed but I just want to get a plan inside my head ! x