Has anyone tried a book called 'Fat-burner foods'?

Don't let it monkey!! Hotels want to please - you tell them what you want & even if you only choose from the menu there'll be grilled or roast or baked meat or fish and veg or salad to choose from - guarantee it! You'll be fine xx
Don't let it monkey!! Hotels want to please - you tell them what you want & even if you only choose from the menu there'll be grilled or roast or baked meat or fish and veg or salad to choose from - guarantee it! You'll be fine xx

i'm afraid i'm a bit of a negative nelly!! Since i've lost weight and my confidence has grown i would say that the glass is 50/50....which is an improvement on my previous glass is always empty!!! However i know i previously lost 10 stone, and then put 5 stone back on in less than a year, so with refeed and maintenance approaching at light-speed i'm finding it so hard not to dwell on my past failings!! I want so much for this to work!
My husband is looking amazing and really shouldn't loose anymore weight, but i still look in the mirror and see a fat bird! It doesn't matter that my size 14's are fitting, or that i'm nearly 4 stone better off than i was two months ago, i just focus on how much i still want to lose and whether reintroducing food will make me balloon :confused:

you know what.... i think i need a smack up the bum!!! :sigh:

:whoopass::whoopass::whoopass::whoopass: will this do?? LOL!

I know what you mean - sooner or later though we all have to tackle real life and learn how to cope. Personally I find eating out isn't a problem. There's always something 'okay' or that can be made okay by telling them to leave off a dressing or the butter from the veg or whatever. It really is all in the mind .... trouble is that mind isn't always saying what we want it to!!!! :eek:

Reintroducing food will NOT make you balloon - it never has anyone else who did it according to the plan - why should you be any different?? I know it's scarey but it really is okay - I promise ;) xx
We're all the same .... if we were all cool with food we wouldn't be here!!!!! :):) xx
Have just seen this thread!
Is this book any good then?
I desperatly need something in order to shift this stone and then something to help me maintain.

Any reccomendations? Jan???!!!! You are the queen of stuff like this :giggle:

I too hate the fact i need a 'plan' at all but i cant see how im going to lose/maintain without one :(

Thanks Iris - have replied to your pm .... I DO spend far too much time thinking about food - it wouldn't be OTT to say I'm obsessed ***sigh*** ...... I don't know! What am I like?!

I certainly don't know what I'd do without this site - I know that much. Sometimes I have something in my hand and think 'but I'd have to post it' and put it down LOL!!!

Oh dear ... hey ho ..... maybe I should train for the marathon!! NOT!! xx


I know what you mean - sooner or later though we all have to tackle real life and learn how to cope. Personally I find eating out isn't a problem. There's always something 'okay' or that can be made okay by telling them to leave off a dressing or the butter from the veg or whatever. It really is all in the mind .... trouble is that mind isn't always saying what we want it to!!!! :eek:

Im always too scared to ask stuff like that though :( Im worried theyre going to think im really fussy an what not!
I never worry about asking for dishes to be tweaked - they don't know if you've got allergies or whatever. Ask for what you want - if they can't do it ok but they'll be happier if they can - a happy customer is one who'll recommend them!!

I don't think it's right to recommend a 'plan' we're all so different. Low GL seems like a good way to me but sticking to it doesn't always happen. It really IS trial and error. The up a day down a day - again it's great on the UP days but the down days don't always coincide with our lives ..... it's hard!! :eek: xxx
I don't think it's right to recommend a 'plan' we're all so different. Low GL seems like a good way to me but sticking to it doesn't always happen. It really IS trial and error.
I have to agree with Jan on the low GL approach. I see it more as a lifestyle change than a diet. IMO,if we are prone to putting weight on then we have to live our lives managing it. Low GL gives you plenty of choice and the principles are simple.
As Sarah said we have to learn "the proper way". I decided to take a break from LT and go GL for a while. I am finding it fine and am never hungry and do not feel like I am dieting. I just know that, in a week where I decide to be a bit piggy or drink too much then that's a week I will gain!!! So the choice is mine!!
As long as portions are small, minimal or no potato/pasta/rice/bread. Instead, have quinoa,lentils and beans and some spelt or rye bread or oatcakes. I hope to stick with this way of eating as I feel great, have plenty of energy and no longer focus on food.
I got the new Anthony Worrel wotsit Low GI book through the door yesterday and the recipes look gorgeous! I do like the idea of low GI high fibre etc as it seems to make perfect sense.
i went to the library yesterday (1st time in about 5 years!!) and got two books on GI, and i must agree with you all, it seems the perfect lifestyle to adopt!!
Think once my refeed week is over i'm going to try a 14-day GI weight loss diet (can loose about 6lb in 14 days) then adopt GI as my lifestyle choice (with maybe a bit of vodka included)!!
Losing weight easier ;) :) xx