Have you been on a diet with herbalife??

I've used herbalife for a couple if years. I use the shake for breakfast but then eat normally for the rest of the day. I've lost 5 1/2 stone and will alwAys use it. My kids drink the shakes as we because its recognised as being a properly balanced shake nutritionally. It's not a vlcd as you do eat proper food as well. It's actually a healthy wAy to eat and live.
I have done the an by using two shakes plus food a day and lost weight quicker but I'm happy with just having for breakfast. It stops me eating too many carbs .
Anyone who loses 2stine in a couple of weeks is bound to put it all back on as its not healthy losing weight like that . Look to lose weight between 1-2 lb a week Md you'll lose weight in a maintainable way
Good luck

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Haven't done it but understand the principle behind it. Many of the ingredients first make you poo more. A cleaner colon will increase your energy because you aren't reabsorbing toxins over and over. Also a clean colon means you will absorb more nutrition. Also, it has ingredients to help clean your liver. A clean liver deals with toxins more efficiently. Toxins that don't get eliminated from the body get stored in fat cells. Too many people overlook this fact - the more toxins you take in, the more weight we gain. So herbalife has it's benefits. But you can do all the same things by green juicing, increasing your raw fruits&veggies, soaked nuts&seeds, lowering toxins in junk food, animal products and acrylamide in cooked foods. In the end, you will find your ideal weight, and as a bonus, have a younger, more beautiful face:)
As far as I know that it's a medicine company of harbal product. But I am not so much proud now because I dont even tried one! Looking forward to some sharings about it.
Mark Hughes first created Formula 1 as a way for people to lose weight in a healthy and nutritious manner. He had experienced first hand how yo-yo dieting and diet pills were extremely unhealthy for one's health when his mother died of a drug overdoseafter becoming addicted to drugs, starting with diet pills she had been taking to try to lose weight.

I've often wondered, when people yoyo diet for a big chunk of their lives, how long it takes for the body to undo the damage.