Having 'days off' from the diet...do you do it?


Skinny (to be) Stef
So, before now I've had a day off once ever couple of weeks. I'm now putting it down to once a month for the moment to go out with my friends as a food club trying restaurants (it may go back up to twice a month in future) but I was wondering if anyone else did this, how often and what kind of impact it had on their weight loss?
FaithFluro said:
So, before now I've had a day off once ever couple of weeks. I'm now putting it down to once a month for the moment to go out with my friends as a food club trying restaurants (it may go back up to twice a month in future) but I was wondering if anyone else did this, how often and what kind of impact it had on their weight loss?

I don't think you really need to have a day off with sw tho?? Why not flexi syn? Then you are staying in control! There was a similar post in here in the last week or so aswell-if you use the search then you might find it :)
I don't really like to have a 'day off'. I see this as more of a healthy lifestyle change than a diet, and am frightened that one day off plan will lead to two, and then suddenly the whole week.

What I do though, is use flexible Syns - although not very often. I'm going out for an indian in two weeks time, so I'm saving myself for that. I'll be Food Optimising as normal that week, and use Flexi Syns for the evening meal only. The next day, I'll go right back to Food Optimising as normal.
I don't really know what Flexi Syns are...saving up the syns from other days and using them on that day?
No, although some people do that and find it works for them, that is not flexible Syns.

If you have access to the Slimming World website you can find all of the information you need on there. Alternatively, run a search of the forums for "Flexible Syns", and I'm sure you'll find it there too.
I don't have a day off as I would just binge. What I do do is (as I've got lots of weight to lose so can get away with it, for now!) Have a take away on a saturday night. Wether its sharing a chinese with my boyfriend, or a pizza (only have 2 or 3 slices) or even a chicken kebab and salad its my weekly treat. I have lost 1 stone 5.5pounds in 7 weeks so it can't be that bad on the weight loss. I just don't go overboard and for that day I'm 100% on plan otherwise!! And all through the rest of the days I'm 100% on plan counting all my syns and measuring my healthy extras.
I don't have a regularly scheduled day off - as for me that would just be an excuse to binge like crazy. I do occasionally have a meal off though, if I have a special occasion - though I tend to find it hard to get back on track after (one bad meal often leads, for me, to a week of bad meals), so I do try my best not to!
I've found that most recipes can be adapted to slimming world plan so there's no real need to go off plan. But that said I don't eat out that much and tend to have people over to the house so can control what I'm eating. Maybe you could change from eating out and do more of a 'Come dine with me' evening with your friends?? Then u can Save your syns for the vino :p
I don't have a regimented day off plan, simply because for me 1 day would turn in to 2 etc. However, if I'm going out with friends for dinner/drinks I save syns or else if it's at the start of the week I limit them for the rest. I'm hoping to see SW as a way of life so for me I obviously WILL have days off plan in the future, even the skinniest of my friends eat rubbish on occasion but the point is ensuring it's not too regularly.

I think that was part of my problem before, I didn't see any of the 'bad' foods as a treat anymore and simply gorged on them. I enjoy the way I'm eating now but at the same time I thoroughly enjoy going out for dinner and drinks, there has to be a balance.
Gollywogg said:
What exactly are flexi syns? I thought it was just saving up your syns

It's where you chose to use extra syns at a particular time. For example-if you are having a dinner out, and you think you'll need 50syns for your meal, you eat as normal upto the day, having 5-15 syns as usual, spend your 50syns for your meal, and then get back on plan immediately after. It means you stay in control, and don't end up blowing it. It is a brilliant way of doing things, that if used properly, can sometimes even result in a loss :)
Hope that made sense
My understanding of flexi synning is if you know you have a special occasion etc you allow yourself a set number of syns even if it would take you over your weekly allowance because at least you still then have a limit and are in control.

The other way is to use your syns weekly so some days you have more than others but keep within the 105 weekly limit.

That's my understanding anyway and flexi synning is a once in a blue moon thing when you know you're going to go over your allowance but by knowing and accepting it in advance you can move on on plan from the next day.
We posted at the same time! Glad I was on the right lines!
I don't have a day off just the odd takeaway but ill be good all day making sure I don't have any syns in the day. Going over doesn't feel as bad to me with one meal and I always still lose weight every week. I dont do this every week but I feel like I need a proper treat prob once a fortnight.