heathy extra bread products

Hi All

I've just started. I love bread and crackers. I am doing EE (although green may be better, I'm a veggie).

In my daily plans I have put in either 3 slices WWatcher malted danish or one small brown roll each day. From this forum I also discovered I can have a WW brown pitta as a change from these two. Are there any other bread products?

Thank you.
Do you have to date books hun as the WW malted danish is not a HEB any more afaik and bread rolls have to be wholemeal rather than brown. You can have 60g of any wholemeal bread or roll, WW wholemeal pitta bread and WW petit pain

Also ryvitas (4 original, 3 flavoured or 2 fruit crunch) or 6 wholegrain ryvita crackerbreads. There is a huge list of different things you can have on the SW website :)
Ooo ww wholemeal pitta sounds good! Thanks for this info ;) x